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Intellij 14 weird editor/cursor behaviour

I just upgraded my Intellij IDEA to version 14, but I have the problem that my cursor in the editor window is acting "different". It starts of in a sort of protected mode, which looks like the insert mode but it isn't, where I can't insert anything. After pressing some keys like a it changes back to normal except that sometimes it goes in a selection mode and by that I mean if I hit backspace instead of deleting the character as expected it just selects/highlights it. I find this behavior really annoying and I hope one of you can help me.

Additional Information:

Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite
Intellij 14.0

Please ask if i can provide any additional information which might be helpful.

like image 793
Jony Avatar asked Nov 06 '14 20:11


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1 Answers

Disabling/Uninstalling the ideaVim plugin seemed to fix the problem for me. The plugin description hints that you can configure it via a configuration script in ~/.ideavimrc, which there may also be options to get "normal" behavior with the plugin installed but I haven't looked into that though because the plugin doesn't seems all that useful to me. I hope this helps other people to fix their issues with IntelliJ 14.

like image 86
Jony Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 04:09
