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Is there a way in Intellij IDEA to see the name of the method the current line belongs to?

In our code base there are a few very long methods (several pages worth of code). When reading the code, it would sometimes be good to be able to see the name of the method the current line belongs to, without paging up to the beginning of the method. Is this possible in Intellij IDEA? I am using Intellij IDEA 7.0.3.

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Henrik Warne Avatar asked Dec 17 '09 09:12

Henrik Warne

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2 Answers

You can use View | Context Info (Alt+Q, Ctrl+Shift+Q on Macs). It will display a pop-up on the top of the editor with the current context information (class/method signature).

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CrazyCoder Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 19:09


IntelliJ 2018

This is shown by default at the bottom.

Unfortunately, the method is shown only by name (not including the parameters). If a method is overloaded you won't know for sure where you are.

Method breadcrumbs below code area

If you want to move it from bottom to top, go to File > Settings... > Editor > General > Breadcrumbs > check Top:

Editor > Breadcrumbs > Show breadcrumbs

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ROMANIA_engineer Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 19:09
