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IntelliJ Idea: How to automatically remove commented out code?

I've run SonarQube analysis on my Android/Java project and it resulted, among others, with issues:

Sections of code should not be "commented out"

If SonarQube is able to identify them, is it possible to automatically commented out code in Android Studio? I can't just remove all comments, because there are also some that are legit.

I have 500+ of them and don't want to do it manually. Any ideas?

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Zbigniew Malinowski Avatar asked Dec 04 '15 13:12

Zbigniew Malinowski

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1 Answers

There is no general solution for issues reported by SonarQube since SonarQube only finds problems, it doesn't offer a way to fix them.

In this particular case of commented out code, the same check is available directly in IntelliJ.

  • from the menu, select "Code | Analyze Code | Run Inspection by Name"
  • type "commented" to select the inspection about commented code
  • run it on the whole project

This inspection now lists the occurrences, and the Problems tool window offers you to fix all of them at once.

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Roland Illig Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 19:09

Roland Illig