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Intel SGX simulator for Linux




According to this tutorial, it is possible to develop and run SGX applications in a simulator when developing in Windows with Visual Studio. The tutorial does not mention Linux although there is a version of the SDK available for Linux.

Is the SGX simulator from Intel exclusive to Windows, or is there a Linux version as well?

(Note: I know about the existence of OpenSGX, I'm asking specifically about the Intel simulator.)

like image 955
Daniel Avatar asked Jan 03 '17 13:01


1 Answers

Yes, you can use the SDK in simulation mode.

In Linux, you must:

  • First, install the SGX driver from https://github.com/01org/linux-sgx-driver
  • After, install the SDK and PSW packages from https://github.com/01org/linux-sgx
like image 185
Amanda Souza Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 07:09

Amanda Souza