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Integrating Google Guice in AWS Lambda

I'm trying to integrate Google Guice in AWS Lambda but for some reasons, injection is not working well. It give me null whenever i try to call

Handler Code:

public class FirstLamdba implements RequestHandler<Request, Object>{   

        private UserService userService;

        public void seUserService(UserService userService) {
            this.userService = userService;

        public Object handleRequest(Request request, Context context){



public interface UserService {
    List<String> persistData();


public class UserServiceImpl implements UserService{

    public List<String> persistData() {


Binding Class:

public class MessageGuiceModule extends AbstractModule
  protected void configure() {


Test Class:

        public void testLambdaFunctionHandler() {
Request request = new Request();
            FirstLamdba handler = new FirstLamdba();
            Context ctx = createContext();

            Object output = handler.handleRequest(request, ctx);

            // TODO: validate output here if needed.
            if (output != null) {

For some reasons, UserService userService is sets as null in FirstLamdba.

Any idea?

like image 938
user1030128 Avatar asked Oct 29 '16 17:10


2 Answers

The first time a lambda function is invoked, the environment will be created.

public class FirstLamdba implements RequestHandler<Request, Object>{   

        Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(new MessageGuiceModule());
        private UserService userService = injector.getInstance(UserService.class);

        //setter for testing purpose
        public void setUserService(UserService userService) {
            this.userService = userService;

        public Object handleRequest(Request request, Context context){


public void testLambdaFunctionHandler() {
        Request request = new Request();
        FirstLamdba handler = new FirstLamdba();

        Context ctx = createContext();

        Object output = handler.handleRequest(request, ctx);

        // TODO: validate output here if needed.
        if (output != null) {
like image 89
frhack Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 14:10


The Lambda RequestHandler instance is not instrumented with Guice, so using @Inject directly inside the RequestHandler class is not going to work. This is why you your userService property is always null.

I haven't tried using Guice with Lambda, but I believe you will have to explicitly call Guice.createInjector() at some point in order to bootstrap Guice dependency injection.

In general when developing AWS Lambda functions I recommend starting with a POJO that does things like bootstrapping your libraries, and exposes a single high-level method like persistUser() that you can easily run and test independently from any Lambda specific code. Once you get that working your Lambda function would simply be a few lines of code that instantiates an instance of this POJO and calls the persistUser() method.

like image 20
Mark B Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 13:10

Mark B