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spring data findBy return type

What are the possible return types of spring data findBy methods? I haven't found any consolidated list anywhere.

like findByXXX can return

1) Entity
2) Optional<Entity>
3) List<Entity>
4) Stream<Entity>

and many more, but do we have a definite list?

Also, List<Entity> returns emptyList when no data found but Stream<Entity> returns null when no data found, so when you apply map/filter etc on stream, you get NPE.

Is there a better way to use Stream without causing NPE, other than physically checking null before calling stream functions.

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krmanish007 Avatar asked Jul 01 '16 14:07


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If you make StudentRepository inherit from JpaRepository you have the findAll() method by returning a List. If you want to read why CrudRepository returns an Iterable by default: stackoverflow.com/a/31897487/1868371.

2 Answers

Your list of possible return type is corret. You can use too the type Page and Slice when you need pagination the result. See example:

Page<User> findByLastname(String lastname, Pageable pageable);

Slice<User> findByLastname(String lastname, Pageable pageable);

"The first method allows you to pass an org.springframework.data.domain.Pageable instance to the query method to dynamically add paging to your statically defined query. A Page knows about the total number of elements and pages available. It does so by the infrastructure triggering a count query to calculate the overall number. As this might be expensive depending on the store used, Slice can be used as return instead. A Slice only knows about whether there’s a next Slice available which might be just sufficient when walking thought a larger result set." - See more in: Spring Data Documentation

For another question, you can use Guava/Java 8 Optional. This way, your query method will return an Optional that contains the found object or an empty Optional. Optional is a way of replacing a nullable T reference with a non-null value, see example:

Optional<User> findById(Long id);

I hope I have help you. =)

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Rodrigo Engelberg Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 05:09

Rodrigo Engelberg

Though a bit late, but the supported return types are documented here:


Generally, the return types could be any of the following categories:

  1. a (Optional) single item, could be a primitive, wrapped, or object, or void
  2. a collection of items, or paged list
  3. a stream, Iterator, Mono/Flux, or those similar.
  4. Future, or its variants

And, the complete list of currently supported return types:

  • void
  • Primitives
  • Wrapper types
  • T
  • Iterator
  • Collection
  • List
  • Optional
  • Option
  • Stream
  • Streamable
  • Types that implement Streamable and take a Streamable constructor or factory method argument
  • Vavr Seq, List, Map, Set
  • Future
  • CompletableFuture
  • ListenableFuture
  • Slice
  • Page
  • GeoResult
  • GeoResults
  • GeoPage
  • Mono
  • Flux
  • Single
  • Maybe
  • Flowable
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ryenus Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 05:09
