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Integer out of range




I'm getting an integer out of range error when trying to migrate my database from SQLite to PostgreSQL.

I think I have pinpointed the problem: I have some huge integers in a IntegerField field in my model.

Basically on the order of 52675215334.

When I change this value to a small number like 1 and then try to migrate my database, all is fine.

Is there some other data type I should be using other than IntegerField to store these large values?

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user1328021 Avatar asked Jul 02 '12 23:07


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2 Answers

Try using BigIntegerField if you integers are that big. From the documentation:

A 64 bit integer, much like an IntegerField except that it is guaranteed to fit numbers from -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807. The admin represents this as an <input type="text"> (a single-line input).

like image 178
Óscar López Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 06:09

Óscar López

Try this

Change models.IntegerField() to models.BigIntegerField()

class TableName(models.Model):
    ColumnName= models.BigIntegerField(default=0)
like image 22
Merrin K Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 06:09

Merrin K