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Optimizing solution to Three Sum

I am trying to solve the 3 Sum problem stated as:

Given an array S of n integers, are there elements a, b, c in S such that a + b + c = 0? Find all unique triplets in the array which gives the sum of zero.

Note: The solution set must not contain duplicate triplets.

Here is my solution to this problem:

def threeSum(nums):
    :type nums: List[int]
    :rtype: List[List[int]]
    n = len(nums)
    solutions = []
    for i, num in enumerate(nums):
        if i > n - 3:

        left, right = i+1, n-1
        while left < right:
            s = num + nums[left] + nums[right] # check if current sum is 0
            if s == 0:
                new_solution = [num, nums[left], nums[right]]
                # add to the solution set only if this triplet is unique
                if new_solution not in solutions: 
                right -= 1
                left += 1
            elif s > 0:
                right -= 1
                left += 1

    return solutions

This solution works fine with a time complexity of O(n**2 + k) and space complexity of O(k) where n is the size of the input array and k is the number of solutions.

While running this code on LeetCode, I am getting TimeOut error for arrays of large size. I would like to know how can I further optimize my code to pass the judge.

P.S: I have read the discussion in this related question. This did not help me resolve the issue.

like image 658
Kshitij Saraogi Avatar asked Sep 25 '17 17:09

Kshitij Saraogi

People also ask

How do you solve a 3 sum problem?

A simple solution is to use three nested loops and check for each possible combination if their sum is zero. To avoid duplicate answers, we need to hash the triplet and store it in a set. An easy way to hash a triplet is by converting it to a string.

What is the 3 sum problem?

Three Number Sum Problem StatementGiven an array of integers, find all triplets in the array that sum up to a given target value. In other words, given an array arr and a target value target , return all triplets a, b, c such that a + b + c = target .

1 Answers

A couple of improvements you can make to your algorithm:

1) Use sets instead of a list for your solution. Using a set will insure that you don't have any duplicate and you don't have to do a if new_solution not in solutions: check.

2) Add an edge case check for an all zero list. Not too much overhead but saves a HUGE amount of time for some cases.

3) Change enumerate to a second while. It is a little faster. Weirdly enough I am getting better performance in the test with a while loop then a n_max = n -2; for i in range(0, n_max): Reading this question and answer for xrange or range should be faster.

NOTE: If I run the test 5 times I won't get the same time for any of them. All my test are +-100 ms. So take some of the small optimizations with a grain of salt. They might NOT really be faster for all python programs. They might only be faster for the exact hardware/software config the tests are running on.

ALSO: If you remove all the comments from the code it is a LOT faster HAHAHAH like 300ms faster. Just a funny side effect of however the tests are being run.

I have put in the O() notation into all of the parts of your code that take a lot of time.

def threeSum(nums):
    :type nums: List[int]
    :rtype: List[List[int]]
    # timsort: O(nlogn)

    # Stored val: Really fast
    n = len(nums)

    # Memory alloc: Fast
    solutions = []

    # O(n) for enumerate
    for i, num in enumerate(nums):
        if i > n - 3:

        left, right = i+1, n-1

        # O(1/2k) where k is n-i? Not 100% sure about this one
        while left < right:
            s = num + nums[left] + nums[right]  # check if current sum is 0
            if s == 0:
                new_solution = [num, nums[left], nums[right]]
                # add to the solution set only if this triplet is unique

                # O(n) for not in
                if new_solution not in solutions:
                right -= 1
                left += 1
            elif s > 0:
                right -= 1
                left += 1

    return solutions

Here is some code that won't time out and is fast(ish). It also hints at a way to make the algorithm WAY faster (Use sets more ;) )

class Solution(object):
def threeSum(self, nums):
    :type nums: List[int]
    :rtype: List[List[int]]
    # timsort: O(nlogn)

    # Stored val: Really fast
    n = len(nums)

    # Hash table
    solutions = set()

    # O(n): hash tables are really fast :)
    unique_set = set(nums)
    # covers a lot of edge cases with 2 memory lookups and 1 hash so it's worth the time
    if len(unique_set) == 1 and 0 in unique_set and len(nums) > 2:
        return [[0, 0, 0]]

    # O(n) but a little faster than enumerate.
    i = 0
    while i < n - 2:
        num = nums[i]

        left = i + 1
        right = n - 1

        # O(1/2k) where k is n-i? Not 100% sure about this one
        while left < right:
            # I think its worth the memory alloc for the vars to not have to hit the list index twice. Not sure
            # how much faster it really is. Might save two lookups per cycle. 
            left_num = nums[left]
            right_num = nums[right]
            s = num + left_num + right_num  # check if current sum is 0
            if s == 0:
                # add to the solution set only if this triplet is unique
                # Hash lookup
                solutions.add(tuple([right_num, num, left_num]))
                right -= 1
                left += 1
            elif s > 0:
                right -= 1
                left += 1
        i += 1

    return list(solutions)
like image 126
PeterH Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 14:10
