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Integer ASCII value to character in BASH using printf





People also ask

How do I type ASCII characters in Linux?

When you type Alt + numbers in Windows, you are actually typing Alt + character's ASCII code. To achieve the same in Ubuntu, you must type Ctrl + Shift + U , and then type character in Unicode hexadecimal value.

Is ASCII a character?

ASCII is a 7-bit character set containing 128 characters. It contains the numbers from 0-9, the upper and lower case English letters from A to Z, and some special characters. The character sets used in modern computers, in HTML, and on the Internet, are all based on ASCII.

Is ASCII value integer?

In C programming, a character variable holds ASCII value (an integer number between 0 and 127) rather than that character itself. This integer value is the ASCII code of the character. For example, the ASCII value of 'A' is 65.

One line

printf "\x$(printf %x 65)"

Two lines

set $(printf %x 65)
printf "\x$1"

Here is one if you do not mind using awk

awk 'BEGIN{printf "%c", 65}'

This works (with the value in octal):

$ printf '%b' '\101'

even for (some: don't go over 7) sequences:

$ printf '%b' '\'{101..107}

A general construct that allows (decimal) values in any range is:

$ printf '%b' $(printf '\\%03o' {65..122})

Or you could use the hex values of the characters:

$ printf '%b' $(printf '\\x%x' {65..122})

You also could get the character back with xxd (use hexadecimal values):

$ echo "41" | xxd -p -r

That is, one action is the reverse of the other:

$ printf "%x" "'A" | xxd -p -r

And also works with several hex values at once:

$ echo "41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4a" | xxd -p -r

or sequences (printf is used here to get hex values):

$ printf '%x' {65..90} | xxd -r -p 

Or even use awk:

$ echo 65 | awk '{printf("%c",$1)}'

even for sequences:

$ seq 65 90 | awk '{printf("%c",$1)}'

For your second question, it seems the leading-quote syntax (\'A) is specific to printf:

If the leading character is a single-quote or double-quote, the value shall be the numeric value in the underlying codeset of the character following the single-quote or double-quote.

From https://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/utilities/printf.html

One option is to directly input the character you're interested in using hex or octal notation:

printf "\x41\n"
printf "\101\n"

For this kind of conversion, I use perl:

perl -e 'printf "%c\n", 65;'