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IntArray vs Array<Int> in Kotlin



I'm not sure what the difference between an IntArray and an Array<Int> is in Kotlin and why I can't used them interchangeably:


I know that IntArray translates to int[] when targeting the JVM, but what does Array<Int> translate to?

Also, you can also have String[] or YourObject[]. Why Kotlin has classes of the type {primitive}Array when pretty much anything can be arranged into an array, not only primitives.

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frankelot Avatar asked Jul 13 '17 21:07


People also ask

What's the difference between array int and IntArray?

Array<Int> is an Integer[] under the hood, while IntArray is an int[] . That's it. This means that when you put an Int in an Array<Int> , it will always be boxed (specifically, with an Integer. valueOf() call).

What is IntArray in Kotlin?

IntArray in Kotlin IntArray is a class in Kotlin representing the array of elements. Each instance of this class is represented as an integer array. To the constructor of this class you need to pass the number of elements you need in the array (size).

How do I declare an int array in Kotlin?

Array constructor is declared with specified size and init function. The init function is used to returns the elements of array with their index. Kotlin Array can be created using arrayOf(), intArrayOf(), charArrayOf(), booleanArrayOf(), longArrayOf(), shortArrayOf(), byteArrayOf() functions.

What is the difference between list and array in Kotlin?

The major difference from usage side is that Arrays have a fixed size while (Mutable)List can adjust their size dynamically. Moreover Array is mutable whereas List is not. Furthermore kotlin. collections.

1 Answers

Array<Int> is an Integer[] under the hood, while IntArray is an int[]. That's it.

This means that when you put an Int in an Array<Int>, it will always be boxed (specifically, with an Integer.valueOf() call). In the case of IntArray, no boxing will occur, because it translates to a Java primitive array.

Other than the possible performance implications of the above, there's also convenience to consider. Primitive arrays can be left uninitialized and they will have default 0 values at all indexes. This is why IntArray and the rest of the primitive arrays have constructors that only take a size parameter:

val arr = IntArray(10) println(arr.joinToString()) // 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 

In contrast, Array<T> doesn't have a constructor that only takes a size parameter: it needs valid, non-null T instances at all indexes to be in a valid state after creation. For Number types, this could be a default 0, but there's no way to create default instances of an arbitrary type T.

So when creating an Array<Int>, you can either use the constructor that takes an initializer function as well:

val arr = Array<Int>(10) { index -> 0 }  // full, verbose syntax val arr = Array(10) { 0 }                // concise version 

Or create an Array<Int?> to avoid having to initialize every value, but then you'll be later forced to deal with possible null values every time you read from the array.

val arr = arrayOfNulls<Int>(10) 
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zsmb13 Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 04:09
