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How to initialize List<T> in Kotlin?




I see Kotlin has a List<out E> collection and I was wondering about different ways to initialize one. In Java, I could write:

List<String> geeks = Arrays.asList("Fowler", "Beck", "Evans"); 

How can I achieve the same in Kotlin?

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Ali Dehghani Avatar asked Apr 27 '16 17:04

Ali Dehghani

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How do I initialize a list in Kotlin?

Android Dependency Injection using Dagger with KotlinList<T> denotes a List collection of generic data type. By <T>, we understand that the List does not have any specific data type. Let's check how we can initialize such a collection in Kotlin. List<T> can be of two types: immutable and mutable.

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To create an empty list in kotlin, there are two ways to create an empty list in kotlin as follows: listOf() function. emptyList() function.

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To initialize a String variable in Kotlin, we may assign the String literal to the variable without specifying explicit type, or we may declare a variable of type String and assign a String literal later.

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To define a list of Strings in Kotlin, call listOf() function and pass all the Strings as arguments to it. listOf() function returns a read-only List. Since, we are passing strings for elements parameter, listOf() function returns a List<String> object.

1 Answers

listOf top-level function to the rescue:

val geeks = listOf("Fowler", "Beck", "Evans") 
like image 174
Ilya Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 03:09
