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Instantiating anonymous object using C# object initializer syntax stored in string




Using the C# object initializer syntax I can instantiate an anonymous object like this:

object empData = new { name = "bob", age = 30, salary = 100000 };

But what if I have the initializer stored in a string, e.g.:

string init = "{ name = \"bob\", age = 30, salary = 100000 }";

Whats the best way of converting this string into an instance of the object?

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DSO Avatar asked May 22 '09 20:05


People also ask

How do I make an anonymous object?

You create anonymous types by using the new operator together with an object initializer. For more information about object initializers, see Object and Collection Initializers. The following example shows an anonymous type that is initialized with two properties named Amount and Message .

How do I specify anonymous type in C#?

You create an anonymous type using the new operator with an object initializer syntax. The implicitly typed variable- var is used to hold the reference of anonymous types.

What is anonymous object explain with example?

Anonymous object in Java means creating an object without any reference variable. Generally, when creating an object in Java, you need to assign a name to the object. But the anonymous object in Java allows you to create an object without any name assigned to that object.

When can anonymous types be created in C#?

In C#, you are allowed to create an anonymous type object with a new keyword without its class definition and var is used to hold the reference of the anonymous types. As shown in the below example, anony_object is an anonymous type object which contains three properties that are s_id, s_name, language.

2 Answers

Anonymous classes are C# syntactic sugar (see Remarks section here). csc.exe creates a class with private fields and a read/write property with the type inferred from context. All uses of the object are, again, inferred.

What this means is you cannot create an anonymous class at run time because the CLR sees them no differently than any other class (again, because it is C# syntactic sugar).

So instead:

  • Use a Dictionary<string,object>
  • Use JSON.NET, XML or something like it that has some already-defined scheme for parsing a string to get an object. This requires the properties be well-defined, however.
  • Use System.Reflection.Emit to create the type at run-time, but I see no real benefit to this over just a Dictionary<string,object>

I also have concerns of what you're doing because this as a string very likely means to me that you are accepting user input of some kind. Be wary of the security issues in whatever you do.

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Colin Burnett Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 01:10

Colin Burnett

It's not possible using anonymous types, however you can do it with Reflection Emit using the TypeBuilder class, specifically TypeBuilder.Create(..).


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BFree Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 02:10
