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Instantiate prefab randomly but not in already genrated position

I want to generate bubble randomly in my screen.When bubble is generated in one place then other bubble can not generated near of its radius 1 area. means bubbles can not collide or triggered with any other bubbles.

How can i do it ?

public void GenerateBubble ()
                newBubbleXPos = Random.Range (-7, 7);
                newBubbleYPos = Random.Range (-3, 3);
                bubbleClone = (GameObject)Instantiate (bubblePrefab, new Vector3 (newBubbleXPos, newBubbleYPos, 0), Quaternion.identity);
                UIManager.instance.ChangeBubbleSprite (bubbleClone);
                bubbleList.Add (bubbleClone);
                if (bubblePosList.Contains (bubbleClone.transform.position)) {
                    bubbleClone.transform.position=new Vector3(Random.Range (-7,7),Random.Range (-3,3),0);
                bubblePosList.Add (bubbleClone.transform.position);
                bubbleClone.transform.parent = UIManager.instance.CurrentLevel.transform;

In this my code every bubble is generated in different position but it can collide with other bubble means i want to generate new bubble not same position as well as it can not collide also. My bubble colliders's radius is 1.

like image 439
Sudhir Kotila Avatar asked Aug 06 '14 07:08

Sudhir Kotila

People also ask

How to initialize a Prefab?

To create a prefab, you simply have to drag the desired GameObject from your scene hierarchy into the project Assets. Now, to instantiate a GameObject, we call the Instantiate() method in our script.

How does instantiate work in unity?

Instantiate can be used to create new objects at runtime. Examples include objects used for projectiles, or particle systems for explosion effects. Instantiate can also clone script instances directly. The entire game object hierarchy will be cloned and the cloned script instance will be returned.

1 Answers

I have Found Answer :

    public List<GameObject> bubbleList = new List<GameObject> ();
    private int newBubbleXPos;
    private int newBubbleYPos;

public void GenerateBubble ()
        bool locationInvaild = true;
        while (locationInvaild) {
            newBubbleXPos = Random.Range (-8, 8);
            newBubbleYPos = Random.Range (-4, 4);
            currentPosition = new Vector3 (newBubbleXPos, newBubbleYPos, 0);
            locationInvaild = false;
            for (int i=0; i<bubbleList.Count; i++) {
                if (Vector3.Distance (bubbleList [i].transform.position, currentPosition) < 2.5f * radius) {
                    locationInvaild = true;
        bubbleClone = Instantiate (bubblePrefab, new Vector3 (newBubbleXPos, newBubbleYPos, 0), Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
        bubbleList.Add (bubbleClone);
like image 139
Sudhir Kotila Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 01:10

Sudhir Kotila