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Installing SciPy and NumPy using pip

People also ask

Can I install SciPy with pip?

The package SciPy is now available to be installed with pip !

How do I install a SciPy module in Python?

We can install the SciPy library by using pip command; run the following command in the terminal: pip install scipy.

Is SciPy compatible with NumPy?

SciPy takes a somewhat conservative approach, maintaining compatibility with several major releases of Python and NumPy on the major platforms.

This worked for me on Ubuntu 14.04:

sudo apt-get install libblas-dev liblapack-dev libatlas-base-dev gfortran
pip install scipy

you need the libblas and liblapack dev packages if you are using Ubuntu.

aptitude install libblas-dev liblapack-dev
pip install scipy

I am assuming Linux experience in my answer; I found that there are three prerequisites to getting pip install scipy to proceed nicely.

Go here: Installing SciPY

Follow the instructions to download, build and export the env variable for BLAS and then LAPACK. Be careful to not just blindly cut'n'paste the shell commands - there will be a few lines you need to select depending on your architecture, etc., and you'll need to fix/add the correct directories that it incorrectly assumes as well.

The third thing you may need is to yum install numpy-f2py or the equivalent.

Oh, yes and lastly, you may need to yum install gcc-gfortran as the libraries above are Fortran source.

Since the previous instructions for installing with yum are broken here are the updated instructions for installing on something like fedora. I've tested this on "Amazon Linux AMI 2016.03"

sudo yum install atlas-devel lapack-devel blas-devel libgfortran
pip install scipy

I was working on a project that depended on numpy and scipy. In a clean installation of Fedora 23, using a python virtual environment for Python 3.4 (also worked for Python 2.7), and with the following in my setup.py (in the setup() method)


I found I had to run the following to get pip install -e . to work:

pip install --upgrade pip


sudo dnf install atlas-devel gcc-{c++,gfortran} subversion redhat-rpm-config

The redhat-rpm-config is for scipy's use of redhat-hardened-cc1 as opposed to the regular cc1

On windows python 3.5, I managed to install scipy by using conda not pip:

conda install scipy