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Installing phpPgAdmin 5.1 on Ubuntu 16.04 with PostgreSQL 10 not supported

Install based on https://www.howtoforge.com/tutorial/ubuntu-postgresql-installation/ in my ubuntu 16.04

Log into http://localhost/phppgadmin/ PostgreSQL, browser show Version of PostgreSQL not supported. Please upgrade to version or later.

Any resolution?

like image 545
Ong Ming Soon Avatar asked Oct 17 '17 16:10

Ong Ming Soon

4 Answers

Actually you still can modify this file manually:


// Detect version and choose appropriate database driver
switch (substr($version,0,3)) {
    case '9.5': return 'Postgres'; break;
    case '9.4': return 'Postgres94'; break;
    case '9.3': return 'Postgres93'; break;
    case '9.2': return 'Postgres92'; break;
    case '9.1': return 'Postgres91'; break;
    case '9.0': return 'Postgres90'; break;
    case '8.4': return 'Postgres84'; break;
    case '8.3': return 'Postgres83'; break;
    case '8.2': return 'Postgres82'; break;
    case '8.1': return 'Postgres81'; break;
    case '8.0':
    case '7.5': return 'Postgres80'; break;
    case '7.4': return 'Postgres74'; break;

switch (substr($version,0,4)) {
    case '10.1': return 'Postgres'; break;

Not fully tested, but all the main functions work fine.

Or create your own fork of https://github.com/phppgadmin/phppgadmin and create/fix a couple of files for implementing full support.

like image 197
DToch Avatar answered Dec 20 '22 01:12


EDIT 3: phpPgAdmin is in active development again! If you download the latest version, it supports PostgreSQL up to v11.x

http://phppgadmin.sourceforge.net/doku.php?id=download https://github.com/phppgadmin/phppgadmin

phpPgAdmin hasn't been actively developed for years. It's still a great interface for PostgreSQL, but unfortunately they only officially support up to 9.2. I've noticed that the latest version still works up to 9.6 though, at least it has in a production environment for the past 6 months, and before that worked with whatever I had (9.4 / 9.5?) for years.

I would suggest installing 9.6 instead, and going from there.

EDIT: If you're dead keen on using v10, then you can still use pgAdmin 4 as the interface, though this is not web based.

Reference: Official phpPgAdmin Website

EDIT2: See the answer by DToch for a good workaround

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e_i_pi Avatar answered Dec 20 '22 01:12


To be clearer, the full path is /usr/share/phppgadmin/classes/database/Connection.php

Also you can simply add

default: return 'Postgres'; break; 

at the end of the switch statement.

Also needed is the username for logging in should be "postgres". Not well documented.

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Bill Milagro Avatar answered Dec 20 '22 01:12

Bill Milagro

If you're using docker (Using my fork of phppgadmin due that fixes compatibility with newer posrgres):

FROM php:8-fpm-alpine

RUN apk add --no-cache --virtual \
     .build-deps git autoconf g++ make postgresql-dev \
  && docker-php-ext-install pgsql \
  && docker-php-ext-enable opcache \
  && apk add libpq ca-certificates curl apache2-proxy \
  && rm -rf /var/www/localhost/.git/ /var/www/localhost \
  && git clone https://github.com/idontusenumbers/phppgadmin.git /var/www/localhost/htdocs \
  && rm -rf /var/www/localhost/.git/ \
  && apk del .build-deps  \
  && rm -rf /tmp/* \
  && rm -rf /var/cache/apk/* \
  && rm /etc/init.d/apache2

RUN echo "ProxyPassMatch ^/(.*\.php(/.*)?)$ fcgi://$1" >> /etc/apache2/httpd.conf
RUN echo "DirectoryIndex index.php" >> /etc/apache2/httpd.conf
like image 43
Charlie Avatar answered Dec 20 '22 00:12
