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Installing PHP extensions on Windows

I am using a Windows XP Home Edition. I need to install a few extensions to PHP -- memcache, APC, .etc. And I would very much like to use PECL to make this happen. The problem is PECL takes it for granted that I will have certain programs on my computer. On another post, I read, for instance, that you need to have Microsoft Visual Studio C++ installed on your machine. However, the new version of Visual Studio, which I downloaded, does not have msdev.exe and instead uses vcbuild.exe, which has a completely different api and fails to compile the .dsp files that come with these modules.

So I tried to find a script that would upgrade the dsp to work with vcbuild.exe...and it turns out vcbuild.exe can do that, but of course that didn't pan out.

Another thing I tried was to find a make script for Windows (nmake2make). But there was no make file in the module's root folder.

I tried also downloading Cygwin and MinGW in hopes of finding a build script that would work as simply as in *nix operating systems, but to no avail.

How else do I use install PHP extensions on a Windows machine? Can anyone help me out of this predicament?

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picardo Avatar asked Oct 30 '08 16:10


1 Answers

For all peoples coming here to download the dll extension files.

This is the link to the PHP extension download link http://windows.php.net/download/

And this is a list of PHP extensions to download: http://pecl.php.net/package-search.php

For core extensions, or if you cant find any on pecl.php.net, download PHP from a zip http://windows.php.net/download/ and look inside of /ext and copy them to your local php /ext folder.

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Harry Mumford-Turner Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 12:10

Harry Mumford-Turner