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Installing Hadoop's Eclipse Plugin

I have such a nightmare with the Hadoop's Eclipse plugin. First of all the latest Hadoop version (which is 1.1.1) doesn't even include the Eclipse plugin jar file. version 1.0.4 has the plugin, but it doesn't work. Earlier versions of Hadoop such as 0.22.0 have the plugin and it works, but then these versions of Hadoop are old, and I want to work wit the latest version. So, what is the deal with Eclipse plugin for Hadoop? Why latest versions either don't have the plugin, or if they do, then the plugin doesn't work? Does everyone has so much problem with this plugin? Should I give up on this plugin?

Thanks, Shannon

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user1888243 Avatar asked Dec 08 '12 21:12


1 Answers

I installed eclipse plugin for hadoop-1.0.4 yesterday with difficulty, and tested it successful.

The reason for plugin not working is that the jar package lost some libs :

  • commons-cli-1.2.jar
  • commons-configuration-1.6.jar
  • jackson-core-asl-1.8.8.jar
  • jackson-mapper-asl-1.8.8.jar
  • commons-httpclient-3.0.1.jar
  • commons-lang-2.4.jar

you could cp this jars from ${hadoop}/lib to ${jar}/lib, and don't forget modifying MANIFEST.

For convenience, I add some code to ${eclipse-plugin-src}/build.xml target jar

<copy file="${hadoop.root}/build/ivy/lib/Hadoop/common/commons-cli-${commons-cli.version}.jar"  todir="${build.dir}/lib" verbose="true"/>
<copy file="${hadoop.root}/lib/commons-configuration-${commons-configuration.version}.jar"  todir="${build.dir}/lib" verbose="true"/>
<copy file="${hadoop.root}/lib/commons-httpclient-${commons-httpclient.version}.jar"  todir="${build.dir}/lib" verbose="true"/>
<copy file="${hadoop.root}/lib/commons-lang-${commons-lang.version}.jar"  todir="${build.dir}/lib" verbose="true"/>
<copy file="${hadoop.root}/lib/jackson-core-asl-${jackson.version}.jar"  todir="${build.dir}/lib" verbose="true"/>
<copy file="${hadoop.root}/lib/jackson-mapper-asl-${jackson.version}.jar"  todir="${build.dir}/lib" verbose="true"/>

and modified MANIFEST.MF in ${eclipse-plugin-src}/META-INF

undle-ClassPath: classes/,

rebuild eclipse-plugin, and HAVE FUN!

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hs3180 Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 02:10
