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Installing a remote Tomcat server in Eclipse

I want to deploy and debug a local web application using a remote instance of Eclipse. I went through the normal "Create a server" wizard and specified my hostname as show below:

Define a New Server

However, the next step requires I specify a local tomcat directory. How can I specify a remote location instead?

enter image description here

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Abdullah Jibaly Avatar asked Aug 04 '11 18:08

Abdullah Jibaly

1 Answers

Assuming you have started tomcat process with the appropriate debug options, the way to remote debug (webapp or standalone app) is to setup a "Remote Java Application" debug configuration for your webapp project in eclipse.

(Available via Run->Debug Configurations->Remote Java application)

enter image description here

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Amol Katdare Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 22:09

Amol Katdare