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How to escape special characters used in SQL query?





Is there a Java library for escaping special characters from a string that is going to be inserted into an SQL query.

I keep writing code to escape various things, but I keep finding some new issue trips me up. So a library that takes care of all or most of the possibilities would be very handy.

EDIT: I am using MySQL (if that makes any difference).

like image 715
Ankur Avatar asked Jun 30 '11 05:06


2 Answers

Well... jdbc. Pass the strings as parameters, and don't append them to the query string

like image 174
Maurice Perry Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 14:11

Maurice Perry

A little bit more research points me to this:


Which suggests to use apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils, I will try this out

like image 38
Ankur Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 14:11
