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Installation of Perl6 fails, no registered operation handler



I'm trying to install Perl6 thus:

perl Configure.pl --backend=jvm --gen-nqp

and then the traditional make & make install

the latter-most of which gives this error:

== Installing modules for JVM
cd modules/zef && sh -c "PATH='/illumina/runs/Scripts/perl6/rakudo-star-2018.10/install/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/illumina/runs/RNASeq/stringtie-1.3.3b.Linux_x86_64:/illumina/runs/RNASeq/subread-1.6.0-Linux-x86_64/bin:/illumina/runs/RNASeq/STAR-master/bin/Linux_x86_64:/illumina/runs/RNASeq/hisat2-2.1.0:/home/703404669/Scripts/vcftools-vcftools-ea875e2/src/cpp:/illumina/runs/RNASeq/FastQC:/home/703404669/.local/bin:/home/703404669/bin' /illumina/runs/Scripts/perl6/rakudo-star-2018.10/install/bin/perl6-j -Ilib bin/zef install ."
Error while compiling op nativecallinvoke, no registered operation handler
make: *** [modules-install-j] Error 1

I am still a newbie with Perl6, I have no idea how to deal with this error, and it doesn't show up on search engines.

How can I get past this error to install perl6?

like image 528
con Avatar asked Jan 21 '19 18:01


1 Answers

The JVM backend has not received quite the amount of love that the MoarVM backend has and is known to have problems (although I'm surprised to see it is this bad).

Is there a reason why you would not like to use the MoarVM backend? If you don't have a reason, you could try changing the --backend=jvm parameter to --gen-moar, which would then fetch and build the MoarVM backend for you automagically.

like image 57
Elizabeth Mattijsen Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 17:11

Elizabeth Mattijsen