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Install shows error in console: INSTALL FAILED CONFLICTING PROVIDER

The authority, as listed in android:authorities must be unique. Quoting the documentation for this attribute:

To avoid conflicts, authority names should use a Java-style naming convention (such as com.example.provider.cartoonprovider). Typically, it's the name of the ContentProvider subclass that implements the provider

If you have different flavors and you want to avoid collisions in the authority name you can add an applicationIdSuffix to build types and use the resulting applicationId in your manifest, like this:


This can also happen when you have an older version of your app installed and made changes to the (support) library or the manifest file. Deleting the old applications from your device (Settings --> Application --> <your application> --> Uninstall) will solve the issue then.

If you are using Google Maps + Google Play Services inside a library project (especially if you recently migrated from Eclipse to Android Studio), you can encounter this error when you try to run an app that uses your library, while a different app that uses the same library is already installed on your device.

Fix: make sure that defaultConfig.applicationId is defined in android section of the build.gradle file for each project using your library

android {
    defaultConfig.applicationId = "com.company.appname"

I would recommend using the package name of the specific app. With this fix, the provider names will no longer conflict, and your app will run as expected.


1.) Your users are seeing the dreaded "-505" install error when installing your app from the Play Store.

2.) You will see this error message when you try to install a second app that uses your library via Android Studio [INSTALL_FAILED_CONFLICTING_PROVIDER]:

Conflicting Provider

In your console, you will see a message like this:

Package couldn't be installed in /data/app/com.company.appname-1
Can't install because provider name 
(in package com.company.appname) is already used by

The fix is to make sure that defaultConfig.applicationId is defined in android section of the build.gradle file for each project using your library

android {
    defaultConfig.applicationId = "com.company.appname"

More reading can be found here in the original bug report: Issue 784: Multiple apps using same authority provider name