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Instagram: Get photos by user and tag



Perusing the Instagram API I see it's pretty straightforward to search for photos by tag OR by username. However, I can't seem to find anything on searching by both. Is it possible to query the API and get only results of a specific tag from a specific user?

like image 518
LoneWolfPR Avatar asked May 02 '13 17:05


People also ask

Can you see someone's tagged photos on Instagram?

Posts are Public: Anyone can see photos and videos you're tagged in on your profile. Posts are Private: Only confirmed followers can see photos and videos you're tagged in on your profile.

Is there a way to see if there are any photos tagged with someone by a private account on Instagram?

It is not possible to see someone's hidden tagged photos on Instagram. Just as you cannot see the posts of a private account on Instagram, you cannot see the tagged posts of private accounts either.

2 Answers

Your best bet is to do a lookup on a user and then sift through the results and get each picture with a certain tag

like image 57
Jamie H Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 16:09

Jamie H

There is an opportunity how to do it:


SEARCH_TAG - input

CLIENT_ID - its your ID after registration

MY_CALLBACK - your callback function.

You will receive your response in Form of JSONP.

After it you can search your response with the parameters your want.

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MikroDel Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 15:09
