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Why does copying multi-row text from Google Sheets to the Instagram caption box add a quote mark at the beginning and end of the text?

This may be the most niche question ever but let's try it anyway.

I have a Google Sheets spreadsheet that contains cells with multiple lines of text. Each line of text is separated by a soft break.

As shown below, when I copy the contents of a cell (row 2 in the screenshot) from the Google Sheets app to the Instagram caption box, a quote mark is added to the beginning and end of the caption.

Sample spreadsheet data

Instagram caption

If I copy the contents of a cell and that cell has only a single line of text (row 3 in the screenshot), no quote mark is added.

enter image description here

I am using an iPhone 11 running the latest version of iOS.

like image 740
zgall1 Avatar asked Jan 23 '20 20:01


People also ask

How do you copy a Google sheet without quotes?

To copy and paste values only in Google Sheets (Not formatting and not formulas), simply copy the selection by pressing Ctrl + C on the keyboard to copy, and then press Ctrl + Shift + V to paste only the values into the cell.

Why is Excel pasting with quotes?

By default, Excel adds quotes to any multi-line text. So the simple solution, provided by the above process, is to ensure that your cells with long text are not automatically wrapping onto multiple lines.

How do I stop text spilling to next cell in Google Sheets?

If you want your text in Google Sheets to stop when it reaches the end of a cell, and not overflow into the next cells, you can use "Clip" from the text wrapping options. What is this? When you set the format of a cell to "Clip", you will only be able to see the portion of text that fits within the cell.

1 Answers

The extra quotes are added when there are special characters in the cell. In your scenario, the Line Feed characters are causing this. Definitely annoying.

There is a way around this – using Carriage Return characters, rather than Line Feeds to separate each line. For some reason these characters don’t cause the quotation marks to appear.

One thing you can do in your sheet is to create a helper cell that will take your text, and replace the line feeds with carriage returns (assuming your input text is in cell A2, add this formula to an empty cell):


The output for this will look like it doesn’t contain linefeeds, but when you copy & paste from that cell, the linefeeds will be there in the pasted text, without the extra quotation marks.

like image 53
Mischinab Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 00:09
