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Instagram captcha error on new app creation

When I try to create an instagram client (developer side), I'm always getting the same error:

Captcha invalid, please try again
Submission error: please fill out all required fields.

All fields are correctly set and captcha is good. (I tried many times, but always same error)

Someone have a solution for me?

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romaniTO Avatar asked Sep 21 '17 09:09


People also ask

Why is Instagram giving me an error when I try to log in?

Here are possible causes of the Instagram Login Error: The servers might be down, or you might have a weak internet connection. Instagram users with linked Facebook accounts may encounter this error. Your profile and your posts may have something that might be breaking Instagram guidelines and policies.

How do I fix errors on Instagram?

Always try restarting your phone or tablet first if you're having trouble with Instagram. If restarting your device doesn't help, please try using Instagram both on Wi-Fi and on your mobile data connection to see if the problem is because of a weak Wi-Fi or mobile data connection.

4 Answers

If you look at the console, we can see there is an error related to "Content Security Policy" which avoid loading google captcha script :

Consent Security Policy

Based on this answer there is no easy way to disable "Content Security Policy" in Chrome except by using an extension. Such an extension is available here : Disable Content Security Policy [Google Chrome extension]

Once the extension is active, the instagram form loads without errors and should look like this :

enter image description here

For security reason I highly recommend to uninstall the extension once the app is created.

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Cyril Durand Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 01:10

Cyril Durand

I am getting the same errors, tried different browsers and even computers, no luck. I think its broken for everyone...

Edit: To clarify this is the form with the broken Captcha https://www.instagram.com/developer/clients/register/ and seems to prevent any new clients from being created.

Edit2: Tried the following devices

  • Win10 w/ Chrome v61.0.3163.100
  • Android 7.12 w/ Chrome v61.0.3163.98

SUCCESS: Worked only on a MacOS(Sierra 10.12.5) with Safari. Tried with Chrome v60.x and still did not work on the Mac. Only Safari seems to work.

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NickStees Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 02:10


Just go to your Google Chrome in your mobile phone (mine is Android) and it should work.

It worked for me ;)

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Diego S. Seabra Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 00:10

Diego S. Seabra

Well. I found a solution. I had the same problem. Simply do that from your cellphone and it works.

Update: The Android Chrome version that I used is: 61.0

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M.Arjmandi Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 01:10
