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Instagram API using Facebook Graph Permissions

I'm trying to develop a simple platform for instagram insights using the new Facebook Graph Instagram API and can't get the right permissions to access my instagram business page. My current setup has my instagram business page connected to my facebook business page with a shared ad account for both.

When I make this request to grab the instagram business page id from the facebook business page using the Graph API Explorer (seen in the documentation here):


I get the error:

  "error": {
     "message": "(#100) No permission to access the Instagram account",
     "type": "OAuthException",
     "code": 100,
     "fbtrace_id": "CU9oNYEt2+q"

The documentation references the need for one of these permissions:

  • instagram_basic

  • instagram_manage_comments (optional)

  • instagram_manage_insights (optional)

However there are no options in the Graph explorer for any of these permissions (see photo below). Boiled down my questions is how do I authenticate my app so that I have permission to get instagram insights from my instagram business page?

Graph explorer sans insta

like image 325
Scott Buckstaff Avatar asked Jul 27 '17 23:07

Scott Buckstaff

People also ask

How do you grant permissions on Instagram?

From the Creators modal, select the Instagram brand handle you want to send the permission from. Type in the Instagram creator handle you want to send the permission to. Select Next. Confirm the permission and click Request.

Do Facebook and Instagram have the same API?

The Instagram Graph API is a collection of Facebook Graph API endpoints that allow apps to access data in Instagram Professional accounts (both Business and Creator accounts).

1 Answers

I don't think this API is publicly available just yet, looks like you need to be a FB Marketing or Instagram Partner: https://developers.facebook.com/bugs/118963648734367/


like image 66
lamdan Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 10:10
