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Insert Update stored proc on SQL Server

I've written a stored proc that will do an update if a record exists, otherwise it will do an insert. It looks something like this:

update myTable set Col1=@col1, Col2=@col2 where ID=@ID if @@rowcount = 0 insert into myTable (Col1, Col2) values (@col1, @col2) 

My logic behind writing it in this way is that the update will perform an implicit select using the where clause and if that returns 0 then the insert will take place.

The alternative to doing it this way would be to do a select and then based on the number of rows returned either do an update or insert. This I considered inefficient because if you are to do an update it will cause 2 selects (the first explicit select call and the second implicit in the where of the update). If the proc were to do an insert then there'd be no difference in efficiency.

Is my logic sound here? Is this how you would combine an insert and update into a stored proc?

like image 884
Guy Avatar asked Aug 17 '08 06:08


People also ask

Can we use update in stored procedure?

A single stored procedure can be used to select, add, update, and delete data from a database table.

Can we write INSERT statement in stored procedure?

In this section, you will learn to use the INSERT INTO SELECT statement within a stored procedure. You can use this statement to copy data from one table to another. We will create an example of a stored procedure that will copy data from one table to another using the INSERT INTO SELECT statement.

1 Answers

Your assumption is right, this is the optimal way to do it and it's called upsert/merge.

Importance of UPSERT - from sqlservercentral.com:

For every update in the case mentioned above we are removing one additional read from the table if we use the UPSERT instead of EXISTS. Unfortunately for an Insert, both the UPSERT and IF EXISTS methods use the same number of reads on the table. Therefore the check for existence should only be done when there is a very valid reason to justify the additional I/O. The optimized way to do things is to make sure that you have little reads as possible on the DB.

The best strategy is to attempt the update. If no rows are affected by the update then insert. In most circumstances, the row will already exist and only one I/O will be required.

Edit: Please check out this answer and the linked blog post to learn about the problems with this pattern and how to make it work safe.

like image 123
binOr Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 10:09
