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Insert POINT into postgres database

I need to insert/update a point column type in postgres database.

I'm using node-postgres

The script generated using POSTGRES admin panel shows the update query as

UPDATE public.places SET id=?, user_id=?, business_name=?, alternate_name=?, primary_category=?, categories=?, description=?, address=?, city=?, state=?, country=?, zip=?, point WHERE <condition>;

How do I achieve point from latitude and longitude?

I have seen couple of answers using POSTGIS, but could not get it working.

In the documentation of POSTGRES (https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.2/static/xfunc-sql.html) it is mentioned we can use point '(2,1)', but this does not work with pg query.

What I have now :

var config = {
  user: 'postgres',
  database: 'PGDATABASE',
  password: 'PGPASSWORD!',
  host: 'localhost',
  port: 5432,
  max: 10,
  idleTimeoutMillis: 30000

And the update part :

app.post('/updatePlaces', function(req, res, next) {
    pool.query('UPDATE places SET address = $1, alternate_name = $2, business_name = $3, categories = $4, city = $5, country = $6, description = $7, point = $8, primary_category = $9, state = $10, zip = $11', [req.body.places.address, req.body.places.alternate_name, req.body.places.business_name, req.body.places.categories, req.body.places.city, req.body.places.country, req.body.places.description, (req.body.places.point.x, req.body.places.point.y), req.body.places.primary_category, req.body.places.state, req.body.places.zip], function(err, result) {
      if(err) {
          return err;


Tried many different ways for passing point :

  1. (req.body.places.point.x, req.body.places.point.y)
  2. point(req.body.places.point.x, req.body.places.point.y)
  3. point '(2,1)'

All the above throws error. Do I need to use POSTGIS?

like image 852
Deepak Bandi Avatar asked Jan 05 '17 20:01

Deepak Bandi

4 Answers

Current versions (Postgres 12, pg 8) should work simply use Postgres's POINT function to set a point column value.


export async function setPoint(client, x, y, id) {
    const sql = `UPDATE table_name SET my_point = POINT($1,$2) WHERE id = $3 RETURNING my_point`;
    const result = await client.query(sql, [x, y, id]);
    return result.rows[0];
await setPoint(client, 10, 20, 5);


{x: 10.0, y: 20.0}
like image 171
msg45f Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 05:11


I recently came across a similar problem using node-postgres when inserting into a postgis database with a geography (point) column. My solution was to use:

pool.query("INSERT INTO table (name, geography) VALUES ($1, ST_SetSRID(ST_POINT($2, $3), 4326))",
      [req.body.name, req.body.lat, req.body.lng ]);
like image 27
Chris Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 04:11


This works if you write SQL "directly":

CREATE TEMP TABLE x(p point) ;
INSERT INTO x VALUES (point(3, 4));


like image 14
joanolo Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 05:11


After couple of combinations, found out this works.!!

( '(' + req.body.places.point.x + ',' + req.body.places.point.y +')' )

Posting as answer if someone is trying to do this just using node-postgres.

So you can use single-quoted points: insert into x values ( '(1,2)' );

But using insert into x values (point(1,2)); in the query does not work.

like image 11
Deepak Bandi Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 04:11

Deepak Bandi