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Insert a list of dictionary using sqlalchemy efficiently

I have a list containing dictionaries as elements. All the dictionaries confronts to my schema, is there a simple or efficient way to insert these details in db with sqlalchemy?

my list is below


and I am having a schema given below

id String(10)
name String(10)
lang String(10)
like image 971
Ishan Bhatt Avatar asked Oct 01 '14 12:10

Ishan Bhatt

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1 Answers

As stated in SQLAchemy documentation, you can insert many records in your table by calling your connection.execute() method, using table.insert() and your list of records as it's parameters, like this:

connection.execute(table.insert(), [ 

Assuming, of course, that your table really has those column names as stated in your dictionary's keys and your values doesn't violate any constraint that you might have defined.

like image 118
tilacog Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 08:10
