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Input value doesn't display. How is that possible?

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How do I hide input value?

The <input type="hidden"> defines a hidden input field. A hidden field lets web developers include data that cannot be seen or modified by users when a form is submitted. A hidden field often stores what database record that needs to be updated when the form is submitted.

Does input work without form?

Yes, you can have a valid input without a form.

Argh. I knew this was going to be something beyond stupid. There was a bit of Javascript that was clearing data. The clearing was useful in other places, but I didn't know it was executing so it was a serious pain to track down. Once I prevented the clearing in this scenario, my values actually appeared. Because I was looking at the code in web inspector, I assumed that it would be a "live" view, but I guess that's not entirely true.

Thanks for your help, everyone.

For my side, it was a problem only for Firefox.

I resolved by adding the attribute autocomplete="off" in the input field.

<input type="text" value="value must appear" autocomplete="off"/>

Mine was related to AngularJS

I was trying to put both an HTML Value and an ng-Model, thinking that the ng-Model would default to the Value, because I was too lazy to add the Model to the $scope in the Controller...

So the answer was to assign that default value to the $scope.variable in the controller.

For me it was browser caching. Changing the URL string or clearing history can help.

For Googler's who may have the same issue: This can happen if you have a non-numeric value in a number type input field.

For example:

<input type="number" value="<? echo $myNumberValue; ?> "/>

This will show nothing even though Dev tools says the value is there, since the extra space after ?> makes it non-numeric. Simply remove the extra space.

Are you confusing the uses of the 'default' and the 'value' parameters for $html->input()?

If you're are using 'default' => $product['Product']['make'] and $this->data is present, the field will not be populated. The purpose of the 'default' parameter is to display a default value when no form data ($this->data) is present.

If you want to force display of a value, you should use the 'value' parameter instead. 'value' => $product['Product']['make']