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send bold & italic text on telegram bot with html

To send bold:

  1. Set the parse_mode to markdown and send *bold*
  2. Set the parse_mode to html and send <b>bold</b>

To send italic:

  1. Set the parse_mode to markdown and send _italic_
  2. Set the parse_mode to html and send <i>italic</i>

If you are using PHP you can use this, and I'm sure it's almost similar in other languages as well

$WebsiteURL = "https://api.telegram.org/bot".$BotToken;
$text = "<b>This</b> <i>is some Text</i>";
$Update = file_get_contents($WebsiteURL."/sendMessage?chat_id=$chat_id&text=$text&parse_mode=html);

echo $Update;

Here is the list of all tags that you can use

<b>bold</b>, <strong>bold</strong>
<i>italic</i>, <em>italic</em>
<a href="http://www.example.com/">inline URL</a>
<code>inline fixed-width code</code>
<pre>pre-formatted fixed-width code block</pre>

According to the docs you can set the parse_mode field to:

  • MarkdownV2
  • HTML

The Markdown mode still works but it's now considered a legacy one. Use MarkdownV2 instead.

You can pass the parse_mode parameter like this:


For bold and italic using MarkdownV2:

*bold text*
_italic text_

And for HTML:

<b>bold</b> or <strong>bold</strong>
<i>italic</I> or <em>italic</em>

Make sure to encode your query-string parameters regardless the format you pick. For example:

  • Java/Scala (see note on spaces):
val message = "*bold text*";
val encodedMsg = URLEncoder.encode(message, "UTF-8");
  • Javascript (ref)
var message = "*bold text*"
var encodedMsg = encodeURIComponent(message)
  • PHP (ref)
$message = "*bold text*";
$encodedMsg = urlencode($message);

So when sending the message to telegram you use:

$token = <Enter Your Token Here>
$url = "https://api.telegram.org/bot".$token;

$chat_id = <The Chat Id Goes Here>;
$test = <Message goes Here>;

//sending Message normally without styling
$response = file_get_content($url."\sendMessage?chat_id=$chat_id&text=$text");

If our message has html tags in it we add "parse_mode" so that our url becomes:

$response = file_get_content($url."\sendMessage?chat_id=$chat_id&text=$text&parse_mode=html")

parse mode can be "HTML" or "markdown"

For italic you can use the 'i' tag, for bold try the 'b' tag

    <i> italic </i>
    <b> bold </b>

To Send bold,italic,fixed width code you can use this :

# Sending a HTML formatted message
             text="*boldtext* _italictext_ `fixed width font` [link]   (http://google.com).", 

make sure you have enabled the bot as your admin .Then only it can send message