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inner join on null value

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Does inner join work on NULL?

When using left join, right join, full (outer) join, it is possible to return NULL value, while (inner) join, cross join will not return NUll value.

Can you join on NULL values?

As we have seen from the above examples joining NULL values does not work. Even though you have two NULL values SQL Server does not treat these as the same value. Internally a value of NULL is an unknown value and therefore SQL Server does not equate an unknown value being equal to another unknown value.

Does inner join ignore nulls?

Answer. No, when you have NULL values in a column, these are never matched to other NULL values.

You don't get the row if the join is null because NULL cannot be equal to anything, even NULL.

If you change it to a LEFT JOIN, then you will get the row.

With an inner join:

select * from user as u
join banstatus as b on u.banStatus=b.id

1, '1', 1, 'Banned'

With a left join:

select * from user as u
left join banstatus as b on u.banStatus=b.id

1, '1', 1, 'Banned'
2, 'NULL', , ''

Using this test data:

CREATE TABLE user (id int, banstatus nvarchar(100));
INSERT INTO user (id, banstatus) VALUES
(1, '1'),
(2, 'NULL');

CREATE TABLE banstatus (id int, text nvarchar(100));
INSERT INTO banstatus (id, text) VALUES
(1, 'Banned');

When you do an INNER JOIN, NULL values do not match with anything. Not even with each other. That is why your query is not returning any rows. (Source)

This is an inner joins on nulls (Oracle syntax):

select *
  from user
  join banstatus
    on uu.banstatus = bb.id
       uu.banstatus is null and bb.id is null

Nulls are not equal to any other value, so the join condition is not true for nulls. You can achieve the desired result by choosing a different join condition. Instead of

u.banStatus = b.id


u.banStatus = b.id OR (u.banStatus IS NULL AND b.id IS NULL)

Some SQL dialects have a more concise syntax for this kind of comparison:

-- PostgreSQL
u.banStatus IS NOT DISTINCT FROM b.id
-- SQLite
u.banStatus IS b.id