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inlining svg image in a markdown cell

My question is related to the wish of publishing a self contained notebook

I have a Markdown cell in a notebook of mine that references an external image file

so far

![](example.svg "Example")

so good

Is it possible to inline the file content in the MD cell?

like image 515
gboffi Avatar asked May 23 '17 15:05


People also ask

How do I insert an image in markdown cell?

For this, first, convert your cell to a markdown cell and then go to Edit -> Insert Image which will open up a dialog box asking you to locate the image from your computer.

How do you display an image in markdown in a Jupyter notebook?

first, change the type of the cell to -> markdown. Step 2: After that click edit in the jupyter notebook menu. after that click 'insert image'. Edit -> insert image.

How do you include code blocks within markdown cells?

Press Esc key, type m for markdown cell, press Enter key. The cursor is now in the markdown cell waiting for instructions. Type your code or paste a code block. If code is pasted, it will most likely need to become aligned below the tickmarks.

How do I edit markdown cells?

Just double click on the markdown cell. Edit what you want to and Run. It will reflect the changes. Save your notebook.

2 Answers

This method doesn't require an internet connection…

  1. base64-encode the <svg> markup (eg. paste svg at base64encode.org)
  2. URL-encode the base64-encoded string (eg. paste base64 string at urlencoder.org)
  3. Put the resulting string in ![alt text](data:image/svg+xml,<paste_your_svg_string_here> "title")

The result would be a string similar to the following that can be inserted into a Jupyter Notebook Markdown cell…

![svg image](data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns%3D%22http%3A//www.w3.org/2000/svg%22%20width%3D%22100%22%20height%3D%22100%22%20viewBox%3D%220%200%20100%20100%22%3E%3Ccircle%20cx%3D%2250%22%20cy%3D%2250%22%20r%3D%2240%22%20stroke%3D%22black%22%20stroke-width%3D%223%22%20fill%3D%22red%22%20/%3E%3C/svg%3E%0A)

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Shammel Lee Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 22:09

Shammel Lee

Yes, It is possible to include SVG image in jupyter notebook.

  1. Using markdown syntax:

![Alt text](https://mirrors.creativecommons.org/presskit/logos/cc.logo.svg)

  1. Using HTML:

<img style="float: right;" src="https://mirrors.creativecommons.org/presskit/logos/cc.logo.svg">

I tried these options on Jupyter Notebook Server version 4.3.1

like image 32
Satyam Zode Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 22:09

Satyam Zode