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inlined functions still show up in the .prof file

I'm trying to figure out how to optimize some code. Here it is:

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -funbox-strict-fields #-}

data Vec3 a = Vec3  !a !a !a

vx :: Vec3 a -> a
vx (Vec3 x _ _) = x
{-# SPECIALIZE INLINE vx :: Vec3 Double -> Double #-}

vy :: Vec3 a -> a
vy (Vec3 _ y _) = y
{-# SPECIALIZE INLINE vy :: Vec3 Double -> Double #-}

vz :: Vec3 a -> a
vz (Vec3 _ _ z) = z
{-# SPECIALIZE INLINE vz :: Vec3 Double -> Double #-}

dot :: (Num a) => Vec3 a -> Vec3 a -> a
dot u v = (vx u * vx v) + (vy u * vy v) + (vz u * vz v)
{-# SPECIALIZE INLINE dot :: Vec3 Double -> Vec3 Double -> Double #-}

type Vec3D = Vec3 Double

-- just make a bunch of vecs to measure performance

n = 1000000 :: Double

v1s = [Vec3 x y z | (x, y, z) <- zip3 [1 .. n] [2 .. n + 1] [3 .. n + 2]]
      :: [Vec3D]

v2s = [Vec3 x y z | (x, y, z) <- zip3 [3 .. n + 2] [2 .. n + 1] [1 .. n]]
      :: [Vec3D]

dots = zipWith dot v1s v2s  :: [Double]    
theMax = maximum dots :: Double
main :: IO ()
main = putStrLn $ "theMax: " ++ show theMax

When I compile with ghc 6.12.1 (ubuntu linux on an i486 machine)

ghc --make -O2 Vec.hs -prof -auto-all -fforce-recomp

and run

Vec +RTS -p

Looking at the Vec.prof file,

COST CENTRE                    MODULE               %time %alloc

v2s                            Main                  30.9   36.5
v1s                            Main                  27.9   31.3
dots                           Main                  27.2   27.0
CAF                            GHC.Float              4.4    5.2
vy                             Main                   3.7    0.0
vx                             Main                   2.9    0.0
theMax                         Main                   2.2    0.0

I see that the function vx and vy take a significant portion of the time.

Why is that? I thought that the SPECIALIZE INLINE pragma would make those functions go away.

When using a non-polymorphic

data Vec3D = Vec3D {vx, vy, vz :: !Double} deriving Show

the functions vx, vy, vz do not show as a cost center.

like image 905
Tad Avatar asked Oct 14 '22 18:10


1 Answers

I suspect this is a side-effect of using -auto-all, which inhibits many optimizations GHC would normally perform, including inlining. I suspect the difference in your non-polymorphic version is actually due to vx, vy, and vz being defined via record syntax rather than because of polymorphism (but I could be wrong about this).

Instead of using -auto-all, try either adding an export list to the module and compiling with "-auto", or manually setting cost centers via SCC pragmas. I usually use SCC pragmas anyway because I often want to set them on let-bound functions, which -auto-all won't do.

like image 131
John L Avatar answered Dec 18 '22 03:12

John L