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Inline markup blocks cannot be nested. Only one level of inline markup is allowed. MVC RAZOR

I one one modal window with telerik grid inside. But i need to render images in my grid so as i understand i cant use @ twice. Here is blog post about this issue Link

Can someone assist me please.

My Code

@{  Html.Telerik().Window()
    .Title("Select an Image")

            .BindTo(new SelectList(Model.PhotoFolders, "ID", "Name"))
            .Filterable(filtering => filtering.FilterMode(AutoCompleteFilterMode.StartsWith))
            .ClientEvents(events => events

    .DataKeys(keys => keys.Add(c => c.ID))
  .Columns(columns =>
               <img src='@item.Url' /> 
//Here is my error. I need helper function



                              .DataBinding(dataBinding => dataBinding.Ajax().Select("GetImages", "UserProducts"))

                      .Scrollable(scrolling => scrolling.Enabled(true))
                      .Sortable(sorting => sorting.Enabled(true))
                          .Pageable(paging => paging.Enabled(true).PageSize(20).Total(100).Style(GridPagerStyles.NextPreviousAndNumeric))
                      .Filterable(filtering => filtering.Enabled(true))
                      .Groupable(grouping => grouping.Enabled(false))



My GetImages function return me json with "ID" and "URL".

like image 561
Novkovski Stevo Bato Avatar asked May 21 '12 11:05

Novkovski Stevo Bato

2 Answers

In these situations the MVC Razor helper function can be used. Create the helper function with the grid control definition, in this case RenderGrid().

@helper RenderGrid()
     .DataKeys(keys => keys.Add(c => c.ID))
     .Columns(columns =>
             <img src='@item.Url' /> 
     .DataBinding(dataBinding => dataBinding.Ajax().Select("GetImages", "UserProducts"))

Call the helper function inside the window's content definition. The helper functions can be called multiple times if needed.

      .Title("Select an Image")
like image 198
Igorrious Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 08:10


In previous MVC @helper was used as a workaround for inability to nest @<text> tags. But in MVC CORE @helper is omitted. Read more here:


like image 39
sosha Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 07:10
