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Inkscape command line: Need to convert SVG to eps without filter rasterisation





I need to convert an SVG to EPS and currently use inkscape to do this.

To convert the SVG using the Inkscape GUI version, I simply open the svg, and "Save As" 'logo.eps', unselecting the "Rasterize filter effects" option.


However, I want to automate this process using the command line. Using

inkscape logo.svg -E logo.eps

works but does not disable filter rasterisation. I have done some research but can't figure out how to do this can anyone provide me the correct command? Thanks

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user1901469 Avatar asked May 14 '15 16:05


People also ask

Where is Inkscape command line?

Available options: -V, --version Print the Inkscape version number ... etc. I've tried this and it opened up the program... not something i want to do. As of 2020, the location on the command line app is now /Applications/Inkscape. app/Contents/MacOS/inkscape .

2 Answers

The command I had to use to fix this problem was

inkscape in.svg -E out.eps --export-ignore-filters --export-ps-level=3

where in.svg is your image and out.eps is the eps that comes out.


As suggested by Vladimir in comments, newer versions of inkscape doesn't have -E option, so need to replace it with -o.

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user1901469 Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 00:10


A bit late to the game but google brought me here

Found part of this solution on a website that needed an account. This lets you convert all the files within a folder

for file in *.svg; do inkscape "$file" -E "${file%svg}eps" --export-ignore-filters --export-ps-level=3; done
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3145 Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 02:10