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Are there any alternatives to jsPlumb? (for the purpose of connecting DOM elements) [closed]

"WireIt is an open-source javascript library to create web wirable interfaces for dataflow applications, visual programming languages, graphical modeling, or graph editors."

DERI pipes which was inspired by Yahoo's Pipes

enter image description here

JavaScript Gantt Chart rich script API:

enter image description here

Ext Gantt is a gant chart component build on the Ext Js frameworks (made by Sencha Inc)

enter image description here

dojox.gantt is a dojo gantt chart widget

enter image description here

jsPlumb doesn't have a Gantt chart connector out of the box, but someone wrote one a year or two ago:


enter image description here

which, when i saw it, i thought was pretty cool. I don't know a great deal about it, since it's all in Japanese, but the idea of polishing those connectors up and then adding them to jsPlumb for everyone to use is quite appealing.

i think perhaps the code is in this github project:


..but be aware if you do try to integrate them, the code has moved on a little since they were written so you might have a little bit of work to do up front. I'd be happy to help you if you want to pursue this.

Not sure if this is any easier than jsPlumb , which btw is awesome.

This framework is like the yahoo pipes visual UI editor, http://neyric.github.com/wireit/index.html and this http://neyric.github.com/webhookit/docs/index.html