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Injecting Single Instance HttpClient with specific HttpMessageHandler

As part of an ASP.Net Core project that I am working on I have a requirement to communicate with a number of different Rest based API Endpoints from within my WebApi. To achieve this I am using a number of service classes that each instantiate a static HttpClient. Essentially I have a service class for each of the Rest based endpoints that the WebApi connects to.

An example of how the static HttpClient is instantiated in each of the service classes can be seen below.

private static HttpClient _client = new HttpClient()
    BaseAddress = new Uri("http://endpointurlexample"),            

Whilst the above is working well, it does not allow for effective unit testing of the service classes that are using HttpClient. To enable me to carry out unit testing I have a fake HttpMessageHandler that I would like to use for the HttpClient in my unit tests, whilst the HttpClient is instantiated as above however I am unable to apply the fake HttpMessageHandler as part of my unit tests.

What is the best way for the HttpClient in the service classes to remain a single instance throughout the application (one instance per endpoint), but to allow a different HttpMessageHandler to be applied during the unit tests?

One approach I have thought of would be not to use a static field to hold the HttpClient in the service classes, rather to allow it to be injected via constructor injection using a singleton lifecycle, which would allow me to specify a HttpClient with the desired HttpMessageHandler during unit tests, the other option I thought of would be to use a HttpClient Factory Class that instantiated the HttpClients in static fields that could then be retrieved by injecting the HttpClient factory into the service classes, again allowing a different implementation with the relevant HttpMessageHandler to be returned in unit tests. None of the above feel particularly clean however and it feels like there must be a better way?

Any questions, let me know.

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Chris Lawrence Avatar asked Mar 30 '17 13:03

Chris Lawrence

People also ask

Should we create a new single instance of HttpClient for all requests?

The correct way as per the post is to create a single instance of HttpClient as it helps to reduce waste of sockets.

Is IHttpClientFactory a singleton?

This extension method registers the internal DefaultHttpClientFactory class to be used as a singleton for the interface IHttpClientFactory . It defines a transient configuration for the HttpMessageHandlerBuilder.

How do I use HttpClientHandler with IHttpClientFactory?

In general, HttpClientHandler can be used to configure a specific configuration like custom policy, headers, or security mechanism, compression, certificates, etc. We shall cover the below aspects in this article, Configure HttpClientHandler for Authentication Example: Bearer or Basic.

Should I dispose HttpClient from IHttpClientFactory?

There is no need to dispose of the HttpClient instances from HttpClientFactory. Disposal will not actually do anything in this case because the factory manages the handler and connection lifetimes and not the HttpClient instances.

4 Answers

Adding to the conversation from the comments looks like you would need a HttpClient factory

public interface IHttpClientFactory {
    HttpClient Create(string endpoint);

and the implementation of the core functionality could look something like this.

public class DefaultHttpClientFactory : IHttpClientFactory, IDisposable
    private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<string, HttpClient> _httpClients;

    public DefaultHttpClientFactory()
        this._httpClients = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, HttpClient>();

    public HttpClient Create(string endpoint)
        if (this._httpClients.TryGetValue(endpoint, out var client))
            return client;

        client = new HttpClient
            BaseAddress = new Uri(endpoint),

        this._httpClients.TryAdd(endpoint, client);

        return client;

    public void Dispose()

    protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
        foreach (var httpClient in this._httpClients)

That said, if you are not particularly happy with the above design. You could abstract away the HttpClient dependency behind a service so that the client does not become an implementation detail.

That consumers of the service need not know exactly how the data is retrieved.

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Nkosi Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 22:10


You think to complicated. All you need is a HttpClient factory or accessor with a HttpClient property and use it the same way the ASP.NET Core is allowing HttpContext to be injected

public interface IHttpClientAccessor 
    HttpClient Client { get; }

public class DefaultHttpClientAccessor : IHttpClientAccessor
    public HttpClient Client { get; }

    public DefaultHttpClientAccessor()
        Client = new HttpClient();

and inject this in your services

public class MyRestClient : IRestClient
    private readonly HttpClient client;

    public MyRestClient(IHttpClientAccessor httpClientAccessor)
        client = httpClientAccessor.Client;

registration in Startup.cs:

services.AddSingleton<IHttpClientAccessor, DefaultHttpClientAccessor>();

For unit-testing, just mock it

// Moq-esque

// Arrange
var httpClientAccessor = new Mock<IHttpClientAccessor>();
var httpHandler = new HttpMessageHandler(..) { ... };
var httpContext = new HttpContext(httpHandler);

httpClientAccessor.SetupGet(a => a.Client).Returns(httpContext);

// Act
var restClient = new MyRestClient(httpClientAccessor.Object);
var result = await restClient.GetSomethingAsync(...);

// Assert
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Tseng Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 00:10


My current preference is to derive from HttpClient once per target endpoint domain and make it a singleton using dependency injection rather than use HttpClient directly.

Say I am making HTTP requests to example.com, I would have an ExampleHttpClient that inherits from HttpClient and has the same constuctor signature as HttpClient allowing you to pass and mock the HttpMessageHandler as normal.

public class ExampleHttpClient : HttpClient
   public ExampleHttpClient(HttpMessageHandler handler) : base(handler) 
       BaseAddress = new Uri("http://example.com");

       // set default headers here: content type, authentication, etc   

I then set ExampleHttpClient as singleton in my dependency injection registration and add a registration for HttpMessageHandler as transient as it will be created just once per http client type. Using this pattern I do not need to have multiple complicated registrations for HttpClient or smart factories to build them based on destination host name.

Anything that needs to talk to example.com should take a constructor dependency on ExampleHttpClient and then they all share the same instance and you get connection pooling as designed.

This way also gives you a nicer place to put stuff like default headers, content types, authorisation, base address etc, and helps prevent http config for one service leaking to another service.

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alastairtree Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 00:10


I might be late to the party, but I've created a Helper nuget package that allows you to test HttpClient endpoints in unit tests.

NuGet: install-package WorldDomination.HttpClient.Helpers
Repo: https://github.com/PureKrome/HttpClient.Helpers

The basic idea is that you create the fake response payload and pass that the a FakeHttpMessageHandler instance to your code, which includes that fake response payload. Then, when your code tries to actually HIT that URI endpoint, it doesn't ... and just returns the fake response instead. MAGIC!

and here's a really simple example:

public async Task GivenSomeValidHttpRequests_GetSomeDataAsync_ReturnsAFoo()
    // Arrange.

    // Fake response.
    const string responseData = "{ \"Id\":69, \"Name\":\"Jane\" }";
    var messageResponse = FakeHttpMessageHandler.GetStringHttpResponseMessage(responseData);

    // Prepare our 'options' with all of the above fake stuff.
    var options = new HttpMessageOptions
        RequestUri = MyService.GetFooEndPoint,
        HttpResponseMessage = messageResponse

    // 3. Use the fake response if that url is attempted.
    var messageHandler = new FakeHttpMessageHandler(options);

    var myService = new MyService(messageHandler);

    // Act.
    // NOTE: network traffic will not leave your computer because you've faked the response, above.
    var result = await myService.GetSomeFooDataAsync();

    // Assert.
    result.Id.ShouldBe(69); // Returned from GetSomeFooDataAsync.
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Pure.Krome Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 22:10
