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Injecting react-intl object into mounted Enzyme components for testing


EDIT: Solved! Scroll down for the answer

In our Component tests we need them to have access to the react-intl context. The problem is that we are mounting single components (with Enzyme's mount()) without their <IntlProvider /> parent wrapper. This is solved by wrapping the provider around but then the root points to the IntlProvider instance and not to CustomComponent.

The Testing with React-Intl: Enzyme docs are still empty.

<CustomComponent />

class CustomComponent extends Component {   state = {     foo: 'bar'   }    render() {     return (       <div>         <FormattedMessage id="world.hello" defaultMessage="Hello World!" />       </div>     );   } } 

Standard Test Case (Desired) (Enzyme + Mocha + Chai)

// This is how we mount components normally with Enzyme const wrapper = mount(   <CustomComponent     params={params}   /> );  expect( wrapper.state('foo') ).to.equal('bar'); 

However, since our component uses FormattedMessage as part of the react-intl library, we get this error when running the above code:

Uncaught Invariant Violation: [React Intl] Could not find required `intl` object. <IntlProvider> needs to exist in the component ancestry.

Wrapping it with IntlProvider

const wrapper = mount(   <IntlProvider locale="en">     <CustomComponent       params={params}     />   </IntlProvider> ); 

This provides CustomComponent with the intl context it asks for. However, when trying to do test assertions such as these:

expect( wrapper.state('foo') ).to.equal('bar'); 

raises the following exception:

AssertionError: expected undefined to equal ''

This ofcourse because it tries to read the state of IntlProvider and not our CustomComponent.

Attempts to access CustomComponent

I have tried the below to no avail:

const wrapper = mount(   <IntlProvider locale="en">     <CustomComponent       params={params}     />   </IntlProvider> );   // Below cases have all individually been tried to call `.state('foo')` on: // expect( component.state('foo') ).to.equal('bar');  const component = wrapper.childAt(0);  > Error: ReactWrapper::state() can only be called on the root  const component = wrapper.children(); > Error: ReactWrapper::state() can only be called on the root  const component = wrapper.children(); component.root = component; > TypeError: Cannot read property 'getInstance' of null 

The question is: How can we mount CustomComponent with the intl context while still being able to perform "root" operations on our CustomComponent?

like image 295
Mirage Avatar asked May 04 '16 07:05


People also ask

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mount method renders the full DOM including the child components of the parent component that we are running the tests. This is more suitable when there are components which directly interfere with DOM API or lifecycle methods of React.

What is injectIntl?

injectIntl HOC​ This function is exported by the react-intl package and is a High-Order Component (HOC) factory. It will wrap the passed-in React component with another React component which provides the imperative formatting API into the wrapped component via its props .

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1 Answers

I have created a helper functions to patch the existing Enzyme mount() and shallow() function. We are now using these helper methods in all our tests where we use React Intl components.

You can find the gist here: https://gist.github.com/mirague/c05f4da0d781a9b339b501f1d5d33c37

For the sake of keeping data accessible, here's the code in a nutshell:


/**  * Components using the react-intl module require access to the intl context.  * This is not available when mounting single components in Enzyme.  * These helper functions aim to address that and wrap a valid,  * English-locale intl context around them.  */  import React from 'react'; import { IntlProvider, intlShape } from 'react-intl'; import { mount, shallow } from 'enzyme';  const messages = require('../locales/en'); // en.json const intlProvider = new IntlProvider({ locale: 'en', messages }, {}); const { intl } = intlProvider.getChildContext();  /**  * When using React-Intl `injectIntl` on components, props.intl is required.  */ function nodeWithIntlProp(node) {   return React.cloneElement(node, { intl }); }  export default {   shallowWithIntl(node) {     return shallow(nodeWithIntlProp(node), { context: { intl } });   },    mountWithIntl(node) {     return mount(nodeWithIntlProp(node), {       context: { intl },       childContextTypes: { intl: intlShape }     });   } }; 


class CustomComponent extends Component {   state = {     foo: 'bar'   }    render() {     return (       <div>         <FormattedMessage id="world.hello" defaultMessage="Hello World!" />       </div>     );   } } 


import { mountWithIntl } from 'helpers/intl-test';  const wrapper = mountWithIntl(   <CustomComponent /> );  expect(wrapper.state('foo')).to.equal('bar'); // OK expect(wrapper.text()).to.equal('Hello World!'); // OK 
like image 79
Mirage Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 06:09
