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Injecting Collection of Classes with Guice




I'm trying to inject things with Google Guice 2.0 and I have the following structure:

FooAction implements Action BarAction implements Action 

I then have an ActionLibrary with the following constructor:

ActionLibrary (List<Action> theActions) 

When I request an instance of ActionLibrary from Guice, I would like Guice to identify both of the registered Action classes (FooAction, BarAction) and pass them into the constructor. The motivation here being that when I add a third action BazAction, it would be as simple as registering it in the Module and it would automatically be added to the list in the constructor.

Is this possible?

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Scruffers Avatar asked Dec 10 '10 16:12


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2 Answers

What you want for this is Multibindings. Specifically, you want to bind a Set<Action> (not a List, but a Set is probably what you really want anyway) like this:

Multibinder<Action> actionBinder = Multibinder.newSetBinder(binder(), Action.class); actionBinder.addBinding().to(FooAction.class); actionBinder.addBinding().to(BarAction.class); 

Then you can @Inject the Set<Action> anywhere.

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ColinD Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 11:09


Let me show you what I consider an even better way of multibinding things. If you want Actions to be pluggable and let anyone add them, it's often useful to provide a simple Module for someone to use that hides needing to instantiate the Multibinder. Here's an example:

public abstract class ActionModule extends AbstractModule {   private Multibinder<Action> actionBinder;    @Override protected void configure() {     actionBinder = Multibinder.newSetBinder(binder(), Action.class);     configureActions();   }    /**    * Override this method to call {@link #bindAction}.    */   protected abstract void configureActions();    protected final LinkedBindingBuilder<Action> bindAction() {     return actionBinder.addBinding();   } } 

Now why is this better? It allows someone to use an ActionModule from anywhere to add more Actions via the standard binding API. I think it's more readable. Here's an example usage:

public final class MyStandardActionModule extends ActionModule() {   @Override protected void configureActions() {     bindAction().to(FooAction.class);     bindAction().to(BarAction.class);     // If you need to instantiate an action through a Provider, do this.     bindAction().toProvider(BazActionProvider.class);     // You can also scope stuff:     bindAction().to(MySingletonAction.class).in(Singleton.class);   } } 

This pattern of using a Module to hide the multibinder is used in Guice code. It's a little work up front, but keeps things clean. You can also do something similar for a MapBinder if you need to. Keep in mind you can instantiate as many ActionModules as you want.

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Tom Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 11:09
