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Injecting a factory method using StructureMap

I'm using a wrapper for the ASP.NET Membership provider so that I can have more loosely coupled usage of the library. I'm wanting to use StructureMap to provide true IoC, but I'm having trouble with configuring it with a User-to-Profile factory object that I'm using to put instantiate the profile in the context of a user. Here's the relevant details, first the interface and wrapper from the library:

// From ASP.Net MVC Membership Starter Kit
public interface IProfileService
    object this[string propertyName] { get; set; }
    void SetPropertyValue(string propertyName, object propertyValue);
    object GetPropertyValue(string propertyName);
    void Save();

public class AspNetProfileBaseWrapper : IProfileService
    public AspNetProfileBaseWrapper(string email) {}

    // ...

Next, a repository for interacting with a particular property in the profile data:

class UserDataRepository : IUserDataRepository
    Func<MembershipUser, IProfileService> _profileServiceFactory;

    // takes the factory as a ctor param 
            // to configure it to the context of the given user
    public UserDataRepository(
              Func<MembershipUser, IProfileService> profileServiceFactory)
        _profileServiceFactory = profileServiceFactory;

    public object GetUserData(MembershipUser user)
        // profile is used in context of a user like so:
        var profile = _profileServiceFactory(user);
        return profile.GetPropertyValue("UserData");

Here's my first attempt at providing a StructureMap registry config, but it obviously doesn't work:

public class ProfileRegistry : Registry
    public ProfileRegistry()
        // doesn't work, still wants MembershipUser and a default ctor for AspNetProfileBaseWrapper

Theoretically how I'd like to register it would look something like:

// syntax failure :)
For<Func<MembershipUser, IProfileService>>()
  .Use<u => new AspNetProfileBaseWrapper(u.Email)>();

...where I can define the factory object in the configuration. This is obviously not valid syntax. Is there an easy way to accomplish this? Should I be using some other pattern to allow constructing my UserDataRepository in the context of a user? Thanks!

like image 351
James Kolpack Avatar asked Jun 28 '10 18:06

James Kolpack

1 Answers

If I had looked at the overloads for Use, I would have found

Use(Func<IContext> func);

...which I can use as:

For<IUserService>().Use(s =>
   new AspNetMembershipProviderWrapper(Membership.Provider));
like image 104
James Kolpack Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 12:10

James Kolpack