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Initially hidden control in Qt Creator

I want to make a group box shown only when a radio button is selected.
I managed to do that by connecting the toggled(bool) signal of the radio button to the setShown(bool) slot of the group box.
The problem is that the radio button is initially deselected but the group box is initially shown so I have to select/deselect the radio button to make it disappear.
Is there any way I can make the group box initially invisible in Qt Creator Designer without having to do it in code?

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Dani Avatar asked Oct 19 '11 12:10


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2 Answers

You can't.

The visible property seems to be voluntarily removed from the property editor of Qt Designer and you can't add it back.

You can add the property manually to the .ui file by adding the following XML block inside the node for the widget you want to hide:

<property name="visible">    <bool>false</bool> </property> 

But the widget won't be visible or movable when you reopen the interface with the designer. It will still appear in the widget hierarchy though.

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alexisdm Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 18:11


You can try playing round with the Properties (look at setHidden), but it's much easier to do it in the code.

So you'd do:

ui setup code ui->groupBox->setHidden(true)  radio button slot if true ui->groupBox->setHidden(false) else if false ui->groupBox->setHidden(true) 

That's the easiest way really, I've never had much luck with adding properties in Designer that Qt already uses.

like image 41
Nicholas Smith Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 18:11

Nicholas Smith