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Initialize IEnumerable<int> as optional parameter




I have an optional parameter of type IEnumerable<int> in my C# method. Can I initialize it with anything but null, e.g. a fixed list of values?

like image 798
J Fabian Meier Avatar asked Jan 10 '13 09:01

J Fabian Meier

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2 Answers

No. You can only have compile time constants. You can assign in to null and then

void SomeMethod(IEnumerable<int> list = null)
    if(list == null)
        list = new List<int>{1,2,3};

Next code snippet is take from well-known C# in Depth book by Jon Skeet. Page 371. He suggest to use null as kind of not set indicator for parameters, that may have meaningful default values.

static void AppendTimestamp(string filename,
                            string message,
                            Encoding encoding = null,
                            DateTime? timestamp = null)
     Encoding realEncoding = encoding ?? Encoding.UTF8;
     DateTime realTimestamp = timestamp ?? DateTime.Now;
     using (TextWriter writer = new StreamWriter(filename, true, realEncoding))
         writer.WriteLine("{0:s}: {1}", realTimestamp, message);


AppendTimestamp("utf8.txt", "First message");
AppendTimestamp("ascii.txt", "ASCII", Encoding.ASCII);
AppendTimestamp("utf8.txt", "Message in the future", null, new DateTime(2030, 1, 1));
like image 107
Ilya Ivanov Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 21:09

Ilya Ivanov

No - default parameters must be compile-time constants.

Your best bet is to overload the method. Alternatively, set the default value to null and inside your method detect a null and turn it into the list you want.

like image 35
Matthew Watson Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 21:09

Matthew Watson