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LINQ select to new object, setting values of object in function





I am using LINQ to select a new twoWords object into a List of this objects, and set the values by calling a function/method.

Please see if this makes sense, I have simplified it a lot. I really want to use the linq statements from select.

The first function in GOGO will work, the second one fails (they do not perform the same task though)

// simple class containing two strings, and a function to set the values
public class twoWords
    public string word1 { get; set; }
    public string word2 { get; set; }

    public void setvalues(string words)
        word1 = words.Substring(0,4);
        word2 = words.Substring(5,4);

public class GOGO

    public void ofCourseThisWillWorks()
        //this is just to show that the setvalues function is working
        twoWords twoWords = new twoWords();
        twoWords.setvalues("word1 word2");
        //tada. object twoWords is populated

    public void thisdoesntwork()
        //set up the test data to work with
        List<string> stringlist =  new List<string>();
        stringlist.Add("word1 word2");
        stringlist.Add("word3 word4");
        //end setting up

        //we want a list of class twoWords, contain two strings : 
        //word1 and word2. but i do not know how to call the setvalues function.
        List<twoWords> twoWords = (from words in stringlist 
                            select new twoWords().setvalues(words)).ToList();

The second function of GOGO will cause an error :

The type of the expression in the select clause is incorrect. Type inference failed in the call to 'Select'.

My question is, how do I select the new twoWords object in the above from clause, while setting the values using the setvalues function?

like image 514
David Smit Avatar asked Aug 03 '12 09:08

David Smit

1 Answers

You need to use a statement lambda, which means not using a query expression. In this case I wouldn't use a query expression anyway, given that you've only got a select...

List<twoWords> twoWords = stringlist.Select(words => {
                                                var ret = new twoWords();
                                                return ret;

Or alternatively, just have a method which returns an appropriate twoWords:

private static twoWords CreateTwoWords(string words)
    var ret = new twoWords();
    return ret;

List<twoWords> twoWords = stringlist.Select(CreateTwoWords)

This would also let you use a query expression if you really wanted to:

List<twoWords> twoWords = (from words in stringlist 
                           select CreateTwoWords(words)).ToList();

Of course another option would be to give twoWords a constructor which did the right thing to start with, at which point you wouldn't just need to call a method...

like image 85
Jon Skeet Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 17:10

Jon Skeet