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.ini file load environment variable

I am using Alembic for migrations implementation in a Flask project. There is a alembic.ini file where the database configs must be specified:

sqlalchemy.url = driver://user:password@host/dbname

Is there a way to specify the parameters from the environment variables? I've tried to load them in this way $(env_var) but with no success. Thanks!

like image 816
dimmg Avatar asked Jun 17 '16 20:06


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1 Answers

I've solved the problem by setting sqlalchemy.url in env.py as @dirn suggested.

config.set_main_option('sqlalchemy.url', <db_uri>) did the trick, where <db_uri> can be loaded from environment or config file.

like image 129
dimmg Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 13:09
