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difference between np.inf and float('Inf')




Is there some difference between NumPy np.inf and float('Inf')? float('Inf') == np.inf returns True, so it seems they are interchangeable, thus I was wondering why NumPy has defined its own "inf" constant, and when should I use one constant instead of the other (considering style concerns too)?

like image 459
aretor Avatar asked Feb 18 '17 13:02


People also ask

What does float (' inf ') mean?

But in python, as it is a dynamic language, float values can be used to represent an infinite integer. One can use float('inf') as an integer to represent it as infinity. Below is the list of ways one can represent infinity in Python.

What is (' inf ') in Python?

inf constant returns a floating-point positive infinity. For negative infinity, use -math. inf . The inf constant is equivalent to float('inf') .

What is Numpy INF?

NumPy uses the IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point for Arithmetic (IEEE 754). This means that Not a Number is not equivalent to infinity. Also that positive infinity is not equivalent to negative infinity. But infinity is equivalent to positive infinity. Inf , Infinity , PINF and infty are aliases for inf .

What's float INF in Python?

float('inf') As stated in answer above, float('inf') is used for setting a variable with an infinitely large value. In simple words, it sets the value as +ve infinty.

1 Answers

TL, DR: There is no difference and they can be used interchangeably.

Besides having the same value as math.inf and float('inf'):

>>> import math >>> import numpy as np  >>> np.inf == float('inf') True >>> np.inf == math.inf True 

It also has the same type:

>>> import numpy as np >>> type(np.inf) float >>> type(np.inf) is type(float('inf')) float 

That's interesting because NumPy also has it's own floating point types:

>>> np.float32(np.inf) inf >>> type(np.float32(np.inf)) numpy.float32 >>> np.float32('inf') == np.inf  # nevertheless equal True 

So it has the same value and the same type as math.inf and float('inf') which means it's interchangeable.

Reasons for using np.inf

  1. It's less to type:
  • np.inf (6 chars)
  • math.inf (8 chars; new in python 3.5)
  • float('inf') (12 chars)

That means if you already have NumPy imported you can save yourself 6 (or 2) chars per occurrence compared to float('inf') (or math.inf).

  1. Because it's easier to remember.

At least for me, it's far easier to remember np.inf than that I need to call float with a string.

Also, NumPy defines some additional aliases for infinity:

    np.Inf     np.inf     np.infty     np.Infinity     np.PINF 

It also defines an alias for negative infinity:


Similarly for nan:

    np.nan     np.NaN     np.NAN 
  1. Constants are constants

This point is based on CPython and could be completely different in another Python implementation.

A float CPython instance requires 24 Bytes:

    >>> import sys     >>> sys.getsizeof(np.inf)     24 

If you can re-use the same instance you might save a lot of memory compared to creating lots of new instances. Of course, this point is mute if you create your own inf constant but if you don't then:

    a = [np.inf for _ in range(1000000)]     b = [float('inf') for _ in range(1000000)] 

b would use 24 * 1000000 Bytes (~23 MB) more memory than a.

  1. Accessing a constant is faster than creating the variable.

     %timeit np.inf  37.9 ns ± 0.692 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10000000 loops each)  %timeit float('inf')  232 ns ± 13.9 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000000 loops each)   %timeit [np.inf for _ in range(10000)]  552 µs ± 15.4 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each)  %timeit [float('inf') for _ in range(10000)]  2.59 ms ± 78.7 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each) 

Of course, you can create your own constant to counter that point. But why bother if NumPy already did that for you.

like image 95
MSeifert Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 05:09
