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Inheriting and overriding ostream operator in C++

I've been trying to find an answer to this, but no one seems to have exactly the same problem as I do.

I am working with several derived classes. The ostream operator << for each of these should print out some things common to each, and some things specific to each. Later on, I would like to further derive from these derived classes, and again the new derived classes need to print out some things that are in the "generations" above them.
For example:

The Base class .h file

class Base


 int FirstClassNumber;

//The declaration I'm currently working with, that a friend gave me
//I'm pretty sure my problem lies here.


friend ostream& operator << (ostream& os, const Base &base)
    base << os ;

    return os;

virtual void operator << (ostream& os) const = 0;


The Base.cpp file includes these lines:

void Base::operator << (ostream& os)
  os << FirstClassNumber;

Then I derive: (FirstDerived.h)

class FirstDerived : Public Base


int SecondClassNumber;



FirstDerived::operator << (ostream& os)
  os <<

  "The first Number is:

 //This is the line that isn't working - someone else gave me this syntax

  << Base::operator<< 

  << "The second number is"

  << SecondClassNumber;

Then I want to derive:

class SecondDerived: Public FirstDerived

int ThirdClassNumber;



FirstDerived::operator << (ostream& os)
  os <<


 << "The third number is "

 << ThirdClassNumber;


I think the problem is most likely either the declaration in the very start of the program, or the lines like Base::operator<<.

Another possibility is that I'm not redeclaring it in the .h file of every inherited class. Should I be, and if so what syntax should I use?

It was suggested to me to use the static_cast method, but my professor (the one who wrote the assignment, and therefore won't give us too much help with it) said that there's a better way to do it. Any suggestions?

like image 496
BIU Avatar asked May 17 '11 06:05


1 Answers

A simple technique for this is:

class Base
    int FirstClassNumber;

        virtual void serialize(ostream& os) const
             os << FirstClassNumber;

// Implement the stream operator for the base class.
// All it does is call erialize which is a virtual method that
// will call the most derived version.
ostream& operator << (ostream& os, const Base &base)

    return os;

class FirstDerived:public Base
    int SecondClassNumber;

        // Override serialize to make it call the base version.
        // Then output any local data.
        virtual void serialize(ostream& os) const
             os << SecondClassNumber;
like image 60
Martin York Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 15:09

Martin York