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Inheritance with JAX-RS


I am using JAX-RS for my web services. I have common functionality and would like to use inheritance. I am providing simple CRUD operations. I have defined an interface like so:

public interface ICRUD {      @POST     @Consumes("application/json")     @Produces("application/json")     @Path("create")     public String createREST(String transferObject);      @GET     @Consumes("application/json")     @Produces("application/json")     @Path("retrieve/{id}")     public String retrieveREST(@PathParam("id") String id);      @POST     @Consumes("application/json")     @Produces("application/json")     @Path("update")     public void updateREST(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,                            final String transferObject) ;      @DELETE     @Consumes("application/json")     @Produces("application/json")     @Path("delete/{id}")     public String deleteREST(@PathParam("id") String id);  } 

I have an abstract class that implements this interface:

public abstract class BaseREST implements ICRUD{  private final ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();  @Override public String createREST(String transferObject) {     return create(transferObject).toJson(); }  @Override public String retreiveREST(@PathParam("id") String id) {     return retreive(id).toJson(); }   @Override public String deleteREST(         @PathParam("id") String id) {     return delete(id).toJson(); }  @Override     public void updateREST(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse, final String transferObject) {         executorService.submit(new Runnable() {             @Override             public void run() {                 asyncResponse.resume(doUpdateREST(transferObject));             }         });     }        } 

And lastly, my implementing class simply provides a PATH for the resource:

@Path("meeting") public class MeetingRestServices extends BaseREST { } 

When I try to access my resource at (assuming the context root is /):


I get a 404, it says it can not find it. My thoughts are that somewhere in the inheritance, it is messing with the path of where I think the resource should be. Any thoughts on this?


webresources is defined below. This class is added automatically by Netbeans.

@javax.ws.rs.ApplicationPath("webresources") public class ApplicationConfig extends Application {      @Override     public Set<Class<?>> getClasses() {         Set<Class<?>> resources = new java.util.HashSet<>();         addRestResourceClasses(resources);         return resources;     }      /**      * Do not modify addRestResourceClasses() method.      * It is automatically populated with      * all resources defined in the project.      * If required, comment out calling this method in getClasses().      */     private void addRestResourceClasses(Set<Class<?>> resources) {         resources.add(com.dv.meetmefor.ws.impl.BinaryDataRestService.class);         resources.add(com.dv.meetmefor.ws.impl.ImageRestServices.class);         resources.add(com.dv.meetmefor.ws.impl.LocaleRestService.class);         resources.add(com.dv.meetmefor.ws.impl.MeetUpRestServices.class);         resources.add(com.dv.meetmefor.ws.impl.MeetingRestServices.class);         resources.add(com.dv.meetmefor.ws.impl.UserAccountRestServices.class);     }  } 
like image 854
user489041 Avatar asked Sep 18 '14 15:09


1 Answers

What you've described above looks good. Here are the rules for JAX-RS inheritance which based on what you've provided you are adhering.

From JAX-RS spec §3.6:

JAX-RS annotations MAY be used on the methods and method parameters of a super-class or an implemented interface. Such annotations are inherited by a corresponding sub-class or implementation class method provided that method and its parameters do not have any JAX-RS annotations of its own. Annotations on a super-class take precedence over those on an implemented interface. If a subclass or implementation method has any JAX-RS annotations then all of the annotations on the super class or interface method are ignored. E.g.:

public interface ReadOnlyAtomFeed {     @GET @Produces("application/atom+xml")     Feed getFeed(); }  @Path("feed") public class ActivityLog implements ReadOnlyAtomFeed {     public Feed getFeed() {...} } 

In the above, ActivityLog.getFeed inherits the @GET and @Produces annotations from the interface. Conversely:

@Path("feed") public class ActivityLog implements ReadOnlyAtomFeed {     @Produces("application/atom+xml")     public Feed getFeed() {...} } 

In the above, the @GET annotation on ReadOnlyAtomFeed.getFeed is not inherited by ActivityLog .getFeed

like image 72
cmd Avatar answered Dec 14 '22 14:12
