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Infinity Loop Slider Concepts

I wonder what are the best(good readable code, pest practice code,reusability) concepts to build a Infinity-Image-Loop-Slider for a Website using JavaScript/jQuery? I dont what to know how to code the Slide show but what blueprint matches the requirements mention above. The main focus of my question is how to arrange the pictures to get the impression of a infinity loop Slider.

By look at Code from different Sliders I came across two solutions:

-change the z-Index of all Images each time the next/previous image is displayed.

-change the Position of the Image in the DOM.

But examine and understanding the code of others is very time-consuming - that's why I ask this question :-)

like image 306
user1828928 Avatar asked Apr 08 '13 10:04


2 Answers

tl;dr - JSBin Example: http://jsbin.com/ufoceq/8/

A simple approach to create an infinite image slider without too much effort is as follows: let say for the sake of simplicity that you have <n> images to slide in a loop, so that after the nth image the next one to visualize is the 1st (and vice-versa).

The idea is to create a clone of first and last image so that

  • the clone of the last image is prepended before the first one;
  • the clone of the first image is appended after the last one.

Whatever is the amount of your images, you will need to append at most only 2 cloned elements.

Again for the simplicity, let say that all images are 100px wide and they're wrapped in a container that you move left/right into a clipped mask with overflow: hidden. Then, all images can be easily aligned in a row with display: inline-block and white-space: nowrap set on the container (with flexbox now it is even easier).

For n = 4 The DOM structure would be something like this:

offset(px)     0       100     200     300     400     500
images         |   4c   |   1   |   2   |   3   |   4   |   1c
/*                 ^^                                       ^^
       [ Clone of the last image ]              [ Clone of the 1st image ]

At the beginning, your container will be positioned with left: -100px (or also margin-left: -100px or even better (for a matter of performance) transform: translateX(-100px) ), so the slider can show the first image. To switch from an image to another you will need to apply a javascript animation over the same property you've previously chosen.

When your slider is currently at the 4th image, you have to switch from image 4 to 1c, so the idea is to execute a callback at the end of the animation that soon reposition your slider wrapper at the real 1st image offset (e.g. you set left: -100px to the container)

This is analogous when your slider is currently positioned on the 1st element: to show the previous image you just need to perform an animation from image 1 to 4c and when animation has been completed you just move the container so the slider is istantly positioned at the 4th image offset (e.g. you set left: -400px to the container).

You can see the effect on the above fiddle: this is the minimal js/jquery code I used (of course the code can be even optimized so the width of the items is not hardcoded into the script)

$(function() {
  var gallery = $('#gallery ul'),
      items   = gallery.find('li'),
      len     = items.length,
      current = 1,  /* the item we're currently looking */
      first   = items.filter(':first'),
      last    = items.filter(':last'),
      triggers = $('button');
  /* 1. Cloning first and last item */
  /* 2. Set button handlers */
  triggers.on('click', function() {

    var cycle, delta;
    if (gallery.is(':not(:animated)')) {
        cycle = false;
        delta = (this.id === "prev")? -1 : 1;
        /* in the example buttons have id "prev" or "next" */  
        gallery.animate({ left: "+=" + (-100 * delta) }, function() {
            current += delta;
             * we're cycling the slider when the the value of "current" 
             * variable (after increment/decrement) is 0 or when it exceeds
             * the initial gallery length
            cycle = (current === 0 || current > len);
            if (cycle) {
                /* we switched from image 1 to 4-cloned or 
                   from image 4 to 1-cloned */
                current = (current === 0)? len : 1; 
                gallery.css({left:  -100 * current });

As mentioned before, this solution doesn't require really much effort and talking about performance, comparing this approach to a normal slider without looping, it only requires to make two additional DOM insertion when the slider is initialized and some (quite trivial) extra logic to manage a backward/forward loop.

Here is another example when you see two elements at once: in that case you need to clone more elements and make some simple changes to the logic


I don't know if a simpler or better approach exists, but hope this helps anyway.

Note: if you need to also have a responsive gallery, maybe this answer may help too

like image 170
Fabrizio Calderan Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 20:09

Fabrizio Calderan

I've just created the item slider: check it out: https://github.com/lingtalfi/jItemSlider/blob/master/README.md

It's 600 lines of code, maybe you can simply browse it.

The idea behind it is inspired by the netflix slider (as of 2016-02-24).

Basically, it uses css transform translations, because those are the fastest/slickest in a browser.


Now the basic concept behind the slide movement, is that you only display the current visible slice, but you also have one invisible slice on the left, and another invisible slice on the right.

And, you also have two extra items, one on each side, so that your items look like this:

previous items - prev extra item - main items - next extra item - next items

Only the main items are visible. The extra items are partially visible. The previous and next items are invisible.

More details here: https://github.com/lingtalfi/jItemSlider/blob/master/doc/conception.md

Now when you slide to the right (for instance), you basically append more items to the right side, and then remove those from the left side.

This technique is the greatest I've encountered so far, because you don't deal with a long list of items (using cloning without removing the invisible items), which can make your animation slower.

Note: my first try of this slider was actually cloning without removing, it works, but I don't like it: https://github.com/lingtalfi/jInfiniteSlider

Also, it's item based (rather than pixels based), and in the end, that's what the user expects because everything is always aligned, as it should be.

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ling Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 20:09
