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indicate automatic line break in white-space: pre-wrap element

I'm using white-space: pre-wrap style on a HTML <pre> element to allow lines to break when they are longer than the browser window is wide.

Unfortunately those broken lines also look as if they have a line break at the end; the user cannot see if it was an automatic line break.

Is there a way to show either at the end of the line that wrapping is going on (as emacs does with a \ character), or at the beginning of wrapped lines that they are a continuation of a previous line (e.g. with )?

Copying & pasting should not copy the continuation characters.

Example code:

<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">for i in range(19): selwidth=5; selheight=1000; image = gimp.image_list()[0];posx=initx+i*90; pdb.gimp_image_select_polygon(image, 2, 8, [posx, 0, posx+selwidth, 0, posx+selwidth-selheight, selheight, posx-selheight, selheight]);</pre >

Preferred rendering, with a at the beginning of continuation lines:

for i in range(19): selwidth=5; selheight=1000; image = gimp.image_list()[0];posx=
→initx+i*90; pdb.gimp_image_select_polygon(image, 2, 8, [posx, 0, posx+selwidth, 0, 
→posx+selwidth-selheight, selheight, posx-selheight, selheight]);
like image 776
cweiske Avatar asked Jan 08 '16 19:01


2 Answers

Pre is intended to keep text as it was typed. It helped keep poems and speciality text as they were intended to be seen and not formatted by the browser. I would think most people will be able to tell a line of text is being wrapped in Pre with whitespace: pre-wrap because it would look something like this: Five little monkeys jumping on the bed, {{line break}} One fell off and bumped his head. {{line break}} Mama called the Doctor and the Doctor said,{{line break}} "No more monkeys jumping on the bed!'.{{line break}}

If you went with straight HTML <p> it would look as you had typed it in your example and <pre> with whitespace: pre-wrap would look the space as you have it typed.

To color the ends of each line you might try putting a <span> and give it CSS to color and size or do a <span> on the whole sentence giving it a CSS background color.

like image 167
dreamweaver Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 05:11


AFAIK not with CSS, instead you can replace every newline with 2 newlines so newlines will be distinguished when text wraps, to do this either manually enter two -or more- line-breaks <br>s for each new line, or if you can use javascript then you can replace each semi-colon ; -because the provided example in the question is code where each line ends with ;- replace it with ;\n\n -or with ;<br><br> instead- thus it will recognized.

JS Fiddle

var pre = document.getElementsByTagName('pre')[0],
  preHTML = pre.innerHTML;

pre.innerHTML = preHTML.replace(/;\s*/g, ";\n\n");
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">for i in range(19): selwidth=5; selheight=1000; image = gimp.image_list()[0];posx=initx+i*90; pdb.gimp_image_select_polygon(image, 2, 8, [posx, 0, posx+selwidth, 0, posx+selwidth-selheight, selheight, posx-selheight, selheight]);</pre >
like image 23
Mi-Creativity Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 06:11
