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Jsoup unescapes special characters

I'm using Jsoup to remove all the images from an HTML page. I'm receiving the page through an HTTP response - which also contains the content charset.

The problem is that Jsoup unescapes some special characters.

For example, for the input:


After running

String check = "<html><head></head><body><p>isn&rsquo;t</p></body></html>";
Document doc = Jsoup.parse(check);

I get:


I want to avoid changing the html in any other way except for removing the images.

By using the command:


I do get the correct output but I'm sure there are cases where that charset won't be good. I just want to use the charset specified in the HTTP header and I'm afraid this will change my document in ways I can't predict. Is there any other cleaner method for removing the images without changing anything else inadvertently?

Thank you!

like image 648
dlvhdr Avatar asked Dec 19 '15 08:12


1 Answers

Here is a workaround not involving any charset except the one specified in the HTTP header.

String check = "<html><head></head><body><p>isn&rsquo;t</p></body></html>".replaceAll("&([^;]+?);", "**$1;");

Document doc = Jsoup.parse(check);


System.out.println(doc.outerHtml().replaceAll("\\*\\*([^;]+?);", "&$1;"));




I wish there was a solution in Jsoup's API - @dlv

Using Jsoup'API would require you to write a custom NodeVisitor. It would leads to (re)inventing some existing code inside Jsoup. The custom Nodevisitor would generate back an HTML escape code instead of a unicode character.

Another option would involve writing a custom character encoder. The default UTF-8 character encoder can encode &rsquo;. This is why Jsoup doesn't preserve the original escape sequence in the final HTML code.

Any of the two above options represents a big coding effort. Ultimately, an enhancement could be added to Jsoup for letting us choose how to generate the characters in the final HTML code : hexadecimal escape (&#AB;), decimal escape (&#151;), the original escape sequence (&rsquo;) or write the encoded character (which is the case in your post).

like image 91
Stephan Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 15:10
